Mass Study Guide Questions

What do the commandments protect?


Identify the greatest commandment

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment.

What is protected by the greatest commandment?


What is the first commandment?

I am the LORD your God: you shall not have strange Gods before me.

What is protected by the first commandment?


What is the third commandment?

Remember to keep holy the Lord's day.

What is protected by the third commandment?

- the holiness of creation
- the good of setting a day aside for worshipping and remembering God
- the holiness in silence and stillness with God and one another (the holiness of resting)

What does the 1st precept of the Church teach us?

To attend Mass on Sundays and other holy days of obligation"
- Helps us to fulfill the previous commandments mentioned: teaches us how to keep God first in our hearts through worship and holiness

What are the 4 reasons listed in our notes that it is important to go to Mass?

- It gives to God what is due to Him as God.
- It helps us to keep God as God in our lives!
- It is when we, the many members of the Body of Christ, come together as one body to worship.
- It is how Jesus, Himself, established worship through the New and

Who is Mass primarily about?

Mass is first and foremost about God and what ought to be given to Him. It is not primarily about me, although I have an indispensable role in the worship of God, because no one else can fulfill my place in the Body of Christ.

Missing Mass on Sunday is what kind of sin?

Mortal Sin

What 2 things do I get out of Mass?

- God's Word
- God's Very Self

What is the purpose of Mass?

To give/worship

What is worship?

To worship is to Adore and Honor God.

What do we sacrifice at Mass?

The Eucharist, the Body and Blood of Christ, is offered as the sacrifice of our worship at Mass.

How are we, the Church, able to offer the sacrifice of the Eucharist at Mass?

- We, the Church, are only able to offer the Son to the Father because we have received the Holy Spirit. Therefore, we must invoke the power of the Holy Spirit to fill us, that our offering may be a pure and true offering of Christ.
- Since we have receiv