chain of infection

causative agent

a pathogenic microorganism that causes disease

reservoir or source

where pathogenic microorganisms can live or reproduce

portal of exit

pathogen leaves the body

method or mode of transmission

pathogen is carried to another person

portal of entry

pathogen enters the body of another person

susceptible host

a person who will become ill from the entry of pathogens into the body

Break the link:

causative agent:
- clean environment
- disinfection and sterilization
- hand-washing
- early recognition of signs of infection
- rapid, accurate identification of organisms
- medical asepsis
- standard precaution
- employee health
- environment

pathogens can enter through:

-eyes, ear, mouth
- breaks in skin, hand contact with mouth and other mucous membranes
- penis, vagina, urinary meatus, or rectum

causative agent

a pathogenic microorganism that causes disease

reservoir or source

where pathogenic microorganisms can live or reproduce

portal of exit

pathogen leaves the body

method or mode of transmission

pathogen is carried to another person

portal of entry

pathogen enters the body of another person

susceptible host

a person who will become ill from the entry of pathogens into the body

Break the link:

causative agent:
- clean environment
- disinfection and sterilization
- hand-washing
- early recognition of signs of infection
- rapid, accurate identification of organisms
- medical asepsis
- standard precaution
- employee health
- environment

pathogens can enter through:

-eyes, ear, mouth
- breaks in skin, hand contact with mouth and other mucous membranes
- penis, vagina, urinary meatus, or rectum