The arthurian legend


Arthur's Wife, Queen of Camelot

Sir Lionel

Nephew of Sir Lancelot who got captured

Sir Lucan

His guts fell out, helped King Arthur

Sir Grieflet

Squire to Sir Miles? Wanted to become a knight to avenge him and kill the knight at the fountain

Queen of the Isles, Queen of Eastland, Queen of North Wales

allied with Morgana, probably witches. Three of the four witches who captured Lancelot and asked him to pick one to marry.

Sir Lancelot

Undertook many boring adventures and was very chivalrous. Helped Sir Kay, had a child with Guinevere. (Lionel)

King Arthur

He's king arthur...? king of camelot

Sir Gaheris

knight of the round table, freed prisoners and was layed down on a horse. a nephew of king arthur

Sir Phelot

knight that belongs to king of north wales, attempted to kill lancelot by getting his wife to trick him into helping a hawk in a tree. lancelot beats him


Arthur's trusted advisor, a faithful advisor who possessed powerful magic. Helped to protect Arthur all the time! Really amazing guy

Sir Gawain

knight who took up the Green Knights gauntlet, three nights at the host house, lived through all three axe swings due to faith. nephew of Arthur

The Green Knight

enchanted by morgana to try to make king arthur pick up the gauntlet for the challenge, gets gawain instead. let's him live because he was truthful. Bercilak de Hautdesert is his name.

Morgana le Fay

Arthur's half sister, pretends to be Gwen and then has Mordred with Arthur. Evil enchantress who tried to stop Arthur and claim the throne

Sir Kay (2 of them)

Knight Lancelot traded armor with, was getting attacked by multiple knights. OR man who raised arthur as a kid and other knights and teaches them to be knights

King Pellinore

Guy at the fountain who ran into other knights with his lance, also known as Percival. I don't know if he is a King. Kills Miles.

Sir Miles

Killed by knight at the fountain, Griflet wants to avenge him

King Bagdemagus

father of damsel, noble king who needed help fighting King of North Wales

Uther Pendragon

father of King Arthur

Sir Turquine

Knight who is kidnapping other weaker nights. Respects strength, but when he realizes Lancelot killed his brother Cardoc he fights him and dies

Sir Bedivere

Arthur's helper in Morte de Arthur, helped Arthur as he was dying. Pushes him into the barge and throws his sword in the water

Sir Thomas Malory

wrote morte de arthur in prison, a real person

the Lady of the Lake

Gave Arthur Excalibur and it's scabbard, a mighty sword meant to be wielded by Arthur

Bercilak de Hautdesert

Green Knights real name

Sir Caradoc

Sir Turquines brother, lancelot kills him


mighty sword wielded by Arthur, given to him by Lady of the Lake


found with the body that was thought to be Arthurs

Knight of the Fountain
