Lab Packet 1

a compound statement that contains variable declarations is

a block

variables defined inside a set of braces are said to be ____ to that block of code


write the loop condition to continue a while loop as long as x is negative

while (x < 0)

A loop that iterates one too many or one too few times is said to be

off by one

<< is called the

insertion operator

Is << used for input or output?


what is the correct conditional statement to determine if x is between 19 and 99?

if (19 < x < 99)

The braces for a loop define the _____ of the loop


A _____ loop always executed the loop body at least once, regardless of the loop condition

do while

if-else statements that are inside other if-else statements are said to be


Each time a loop body executed is known as an


a switch statement variable must be

integer bool char enum

the code following the ___ case is executed if none of the other cases are matched in a switch statement


the stream that is used for output to the screen is called


the stream that is used for input from the keyboard is called


a loop that always executes the loop body at least once is known as a ____ loop

do while

when must we use braces to define the body of a conditional expression?

when there's more than one condition

>> is known as the

extraction operator

int myValue; is called a

variable declaration

a ___ expression is an expression that can be thought of as being true or false


the compiler always pairs an else with

a preceding if

in a compound logical and (&&) expression, the evaluation of the expression stops once one of the terms of the expression is false. this is known as ___ evaluation.

short circuit

____ is a type whose values are defined by a list of constants of type int


each repetition of a loop body is called an


which of the following is not a valid identifier: total3, myInt, myInteger, return


what is the value of x after the following statements:
int x;
x = 15/4;


what is the value of x after the following statements:
int x;
x = 15%4;


what is not a good reason for choosing a certain loop control?

if the loop is in a function

which of the following as the highest precedence? : &&, -, ++, ||


the body of a do while loop aways executes at least once


the integer 0 is onsidered true


all switch statements can be converted into nested if-else statements


if x has the value of 3 and y has the value of -2 and w is 10, is the following condition true or false?
if (x < 2 && w < y)


the opposite of less than is greater than


after the following code fragment, x has the value of 3:
int x = 3;


in an enumerated data type, different constants may not have the same value


the body of a while loop may never execute


all nested if else statements can be converted to switch statements


a bool expression may evaluate to more than 2 values


a break statement in your switch stops your program


it is illegal to make function calls inside a switch statement


loops are used when we need our program to make a choice between two or more things


a semicolon by itself is a valid c++ statement


every line a program should have a comment


it is legal to declare more than one variable in a single statement


variable names may begin with a number


if there is a break in the innermost loop in a set of nested loops the break statement causes all enclosing loops to exit
