Kidney lab

What are the two basic functions of he kidney?

Remove nitrogenous wastes and toxins from the body
maintain the water/ion/osmotic and pH levels in the blood

What is a Renal capsule?

A smooth semitransparent membrane that adheres tightly to the outer surface of the kidney

What is a Renal Cortex?

The region of the kidney just below the capsule

What is a renal medulla?

The middle region of the kidney, beneath the cortex layer.

What is the renal medulla segregated into and what are they called?

Triangular regions: renal pyramids (striated)
columnar regions: renal columns

What is located in the renal columns?

interlobar arteries

What is the renal pelvis?

A cavity within the kidney that is continuous with the ureter, which exits from the hilis

What are the large and small extensions of he renal pelvis called?

major calyces an minor calyces

What is the hilus?

the indentation on the medial surface of the kidney where the renal artery bring in blood

What is the functional unit of the renal system?

nephron (where blood is filtered)

Where is water and essential ions reabsorbed?


What hormone influences the reabsorption of water?

ADH (produced in hypothalamus)