*Critical Thinking
*Multiple Working hypothesis
*Occam's Razor


Does not study phenomena that cannot be observed ex: supernatural, religion, faith.


Elimination of wrong ideas


Form of critical thinking that uses reasons and evidence to determine the likelihood that something is true

Critical Thinking

Process of evaluating validity of claims on the basis of well supported evidence.

Multiple Working Hypothesis

Accepts further research

Occam's Razor

Idea one should not make more assumptions that the minimum needed to explain something.




Must be possible to conceive of a test that would dispose the idea of a test that would dispose the idea if it were false claim must be testable


Must be logical, both valid and sound or reasonable and strong


Consider all relevant evidence


Evidence must be evaluated impartially, in an unbiased, fair minded manner without self deception.


Results of studies, and experiments must be replicated by other researchers


Evidence of a claim must be sufficient to establish the truth of a claim


Statement of fact, deduced from observation


Set of beliefs or principles that have not yet been tested

What are some CAM treatments?

Homeopathy, naturopathy, acupuncture, chiropractic touch therapy, reflexology, aromatherapy, urine therapy, crystal power.


Treatment of disease by minute doses of natural substances that in a healthy person would produce symptoms of disease

Laws of Homeopathy

1)Laws of similars
2)Laws of infinite testimonials
3)Remedy starts at the top of the body & works down, remedy works from within the body moving outward, symptoms clear in reverse order of appearance

Ways of spotting and selling pseudoscience

Discovered pitches claim directly to media/NOT a peer review & publication process: write books to sell to public for money

-Use the adds below to help spot the heuristics (short cuts) to critical thinking?

*Discoverer says the powerful establishment is trying to suppress his or her work (FDA, big pharma, universities)
*Person who compares themselves to galilleo
*Discoverer says belief is credible because it has endured for centuries
*Discoverer worked in is