Chapter 4


Is the sticky mass that grows on teeth and contains bacteria.


Is the loss of some enamel surface due to acid attack.

3 years old.

Is the age when you should make the child's first appointment with the dentist.

10 years old.

When a child should be proficient in brushing and flossing.

Disclosing Agents

Are oral hyigene aids that show the presence of plaque by staining it.


Is also called toothpaste.

Most recommended toothpaste

Contains flouride.


Bad breath


The most successful method of removing plaque from interproximal surfaces in teeth

Floss holder

An aid to help assist patients who have poor manual dexterity or arthritis when flossing.

Irrigating Device

Patients should be carefully instructed in the use of an ___________ __________ because it can damage soft tissue.

Head, Shank, and Handle

Parts of the toothbrush.


The most recommended type of toothbrush bristle.

Automatic toothbrush

The use of an ________ __________ replaces a manual toothbrush.

2-3 minutes

How long you should brush in order to cover all surfaces.

Bass or Modified Bass

The most popular brushing technique.

What color

It does not matter _____ _____ the floss is to clean between the teeth the color does make it more fun for children and will cause them to brush more.

Sawing Motion

Use a _____ ______ when directing floss between the teeth.

Floss threader

A device which is used to help floss under a fixed bridge.


Abnormal dryness of the mouth.

Fluoride, Phosphorous, and Calcium

Three minerals needed to form healthy bones and teeth.

Optimum Level of Fluoride

1 ppm (prevents caries without mottling the teeth).


The process of adding fluoride to the water supply.

A well accepted issue

Fluordiation is not ___ ____ ___________ _____ in all areas or communities.


A condition that occurs during the Pre-eruptive stage.

Sources of Systemic fluoride

Fluoridated water, Fluoride tablets or drops, and some foods.

Topical Fluoride

In forms of Gels, Rinses, and Foams.


The percent of acidulated phosphofluoride (APF) used as a topical fluoride tx.

Back tooth

It is important that a flouride tray extend to the _____ ______ because the fluoride will not travel by itself to the back of the tray.

30 minutes

The amount of time a person cannot drink or eat after receiving a fluoride tx.

1/3 full

Amount of tray needs to be filled when filling the tray with fluoride gel or foam.


Lacking the correct nutrients for the body.


Food actually eaten.


Disorder resulting from being undernourished.


Manner in which foods are used to meet bodily needs.

Classifications of Nutrients

Water, Vitamins, Minerals, Fats, Proteins, and Carbohydrates.


The nutrients responsible for providing energy.


The nutrients responsible for repairing muscle damage.

Basel Metabolic Rate

The energy that a person uses when at rest.


Vitamins are conisdered _____ or ______ soluble.

Vitamin K

Blood Clotting

Vitamin A


Vitamin D

Bone Growth

Vitamin E


Vitamin D

Is produced by the body after exposure to the sun.

Vitamin C and B Complex

Is excereted by the body on a daily basis.

Major Minerals

Sodium, Calcium, Potassium, Sulfer

Trace Minerals

Copper and Chromium


The body's most abundant nutrient.

Bread and Cereal Group

The food group at the base of the food pyramid.