Chapter 9 Vocabulary Original


the condition in which an organism's internal eviroment is kept stable in spite of external change


an inherited behaviour or physical characteristic that helps an organism survive and reproduce in its environment.


the bones that makes up the backbone of an organism. In humans, the 26 bones that make up the backbone.


an animal without a backbone


a group of similar cells that perform a specific function.


a body structure that is composed of different kinds of tissues that work together

radial symmetry

a body plan in which any number of imaginary lines that all pass through a central point divide the animal into two mirror images

bilateral symmetry

a body plan in which a single imaginary line divides the body into left and right sides that are mirror images of each other


a radically symmetrical invertebrate that uses stinging cells to capture food and defend itself.


an invertebrate with a soft, unsegmented body; most are protected by a hard outer shell.


an invertebrate that has an external skeleton, a segmented body, and jointed appendages.


external skeleton; a tough, waterproof outer covering that protects, supports, and helps prevent evaporation of water from the body of many invertebrates


an internal skeleton; structural support system within the body of an animal


an animal that has a notochord, a nerve chord, and throat pouches at some point in his life


a flexible rod that supports a chordates back just below the nerve chord


an animal whose body temperature is determined by the temperature of its enviroment's


an animal who's body temperature is regulated by the internal heat the animal produces


a vertebrate who's body temperature is determined by the temperature of it's environment, and that lives in the water and has fins.


A connective tissue that is more flexible that, bone and that protects the ends of a bone and keeps them from rubbing together


a vertebrate who's body temperature is determined by the temperature of its environment and that is lives its early life in water and its adult life on land


a vertebrate that is an ectotherm and has lungs and scaly skin and lays eggs on land.


an endotherm vertebrate that lays eggs, has feathers, and a 4 chambered heart.


an endotherm vertebrate that has skin covered in hair or fur and glands that produce milk to feed young

mammary gland

an organ in female mammals produces mil for the mammals young


a mammal that lays eggs


a mammal who's young are born at an early stage of development ad which usually continue to develop in a pouch on the mothers body

placental mammal

a marsupial that develops inside their mothers body until its body systems can function independently


an organ in most pregnant mammals, including humans that links the mother and the developing embryo and allows for the passage of materials between them.