Digstive System


A tube connecting the mouth or pharynx to the stomach


An organ that prepares food for absorption by both physical and chemical activites

Small intestine

A 22-foot long muscular tube that breaks down food using enzymes released by the pancreas and bilef rom the liver

Large intestine

An organ of digesion in which water is absorbed


A watery fluid secreted into the mouth; moistens food and begins digestion


One of the small projections lining the small intestine that specializes in the absorption of nutrients into the blood stream


Organ that preforms vital metabolic processes including filtration of blood, secretion of bile, and conversion of sugars into gylcoen

Gall bladder

A 4-inch, pear-shaped organ that is connected to the liver that stores bile, a combination fo fluids, fats, and cholesterol.


Where digestion begins; it mechanicaly chews the food and mixes it with saliva to break it into smaller pieces


A tube-shaped sac attached to the lower end of the large intestine.

How does food travel through the body?

Small Intestine
Large intestine (colon)

What is peristalsis?

Wave-like muscular contractions that help the food move to your stomach

What does the stomach produce to continue the breakdown process of food into a usable form?

A strong acid and powerful enzymes