Using Sterile Techniques

Hold them away and in front of the body and above the waist.

How can you avoid allowing sterile articles to touch the skin or clothing?

Procedures that keep an object or area free from living organisms.

Surgical Asepsis

The 2-inch border around the sterile field/towel covered tray.

What part of a sterile field or tray is considered to be contaminated?

Use with gauze pads, dressings, and small items.
1. Partially open wrapper.
2. Hold upside down over the sterile field
3. Allow the item to drop out of the wrapper onto the sterile field.
4. Keep fingers back so the item does not touch your skin.
5. Avoid

Drop Technique (definition and steps)-5

Used for bowls, drapes, linen, and other similar items.
1. Open wrapper and loose ends are grasped around the wrist with the opposite hand.
2. A mitten is formed around the hand that is holding the item.
3. With the mitten hand, the item can be placed ont

Mitten Technique (def and 3 steps)

Used for cotton balls and small items that cannot be removed by the drop or mitten technique.
1. Sterile transfer forceps (or pick-ups) are removed from their container of disinfectant solution (shake excess off) and grasp items from the opened package. D

Transfer Forceps Method (definition and 3 steps)

If a sterile towel or article gets wet, contamination has occurred.

Why must a sterile field be kept dry?

You've contaminated, so you must restart the procedure and wipe it up with a sterile towel.

What should you do if you spill solution on a sterile field?

On the inside, or the side that goes against the skin.

What part of sterile gloves are considered contaminated?

Make sure the sterile tray is open and you are ready to do the sterile procedure before putting on sterile gloves.

Before applying sterile gloves, what must you make sure had been done in relation to the sterile tray?

Hold your hands away from the body and above the waist.

Once gloves have been applied, where should you hold your hands to avoid contamination?

Start over and never take a chance using contaminated equipment or supplies.

What should you do if an article is contaminated?

1. Open the top flap away from you, handling only the outside of the wrap. (never cross over an open sterile field) REACH AROUND THE PACKAGE.
2. Open one side by pulling the wrap out to the side.
3. Open the opposite side by pulling the wrap out to the op

Opening a sterile package

They should be placed in pile of usage. Top dressing in pile is the first dressing pad to be placed on the area.

How should dressing pads be placed?

Place cap on the table with the inside facing up, then pour a small amount of solution into the sink to clean the lip of the bottle. When pouring a sufficient amount of solution into the basin, AVOID SPLASHING. IF STERILE FIELD BECOMES WET THE ENTIRE FIEL

How should you handle an antiseptic solution in a sterile field?

You need to check the tray and make sure all needed equipment is on it. Once sterile field is ready, place a sterile towel over the entire field. You must keep the tray with you if you need to get more items.

How must you handle trays when working with sterile fields?

30 Days

When checking the autoclave indicator and the date, how many days does the item have before it is considered nonsterile?