First Communion

What does Baptism do for us?

It makes us part of God's family and cleanses us of Original Sin

When I receive my First Communion, whom will I receive?

The Body and Blood of Jesus Christ

Why is the Eucharist also called the Lord's Supper or the Last Supper?

Jesus celebrated the first Eucharist at a special meal that he shared with his friends.

Why do I receive Holy Communion?

It gives us graces and strength to live a Christian life

When I receive Communion, it looks like bread and taste like bread, but it is not bread. What has the bread turned into?

The bread changes into the Body of Christ

When is the bread changed to the body of Christ?

When the priest calls down the Holy Spirit saying "May these gifts become the Body and Blood of Christ" and ends when the priest holds up the Host and says "For this is my Body which will be given up for you.

Why do we go to church on Sunday?

1. To keep the 3rd Commandment "Keep Holy the Lord's Day
2. To receive Jesus in the Eucharist
3. To show Jesus He is important in our lives

When the priest holds up the host and says, "The Body of Christ" , What do you do and say?

1. Bow and say AMEN
2. Cup your right hand under you left and raise you hands to receive Jesus
3. Place the host in your mouth

What does AMEN mean?

Yes, Lord, I believe it.

What do we give thanks for during the Eucharist?

1. God our Father for the gift of life
2. gift of His Son
3. gift of the Holy Spirit, who lives in our hearts

Is Jesus present to us when we receive Holy Communion?

Yes. In the Host

What is the wine turned into?

The Blood of Christ