14:2 Measuring and Recording Temperature


balance between heat lost and produced in the body

3 main reasons why temperature may vary

different from person to person, time of day, where you take it

Normal range of body temperature


Normal oral temperature, thermometer is left in place for...

98.6, 3-5 minutes

Normal rectal temperature, thermometer is left in place for...

99.6, 3-5 minutes

Normal auxiliary temperature, thermometer is left in place for...

97.6, 10 minutes

Most accurate method, why

rectal or temporal region
actual temperature inside

least accurate method, why

auxillary or groin
external reading

aural temperature


how does an aural thermometer measure temperature?

thermal reading inside ear

difference between hyper and hypothermia

hypo-low, below 95
hyper-high, above 104

2 ways you can tell a rectal clinical thermometer from an oral clinical thermometer

rectal - shorter and round with red tip
oral - silver, cylindrical

How can you prevent cross-contamination while using the probe of an electronic thermometer?

a disposible cover is placed over the thermometer probe before the temperature is taken

How do plastic or paper thermometers register body temperature?

chemical dots respond to heat/change color

Why is it important to ask patients if they have had anything to eat or drink or if they have smoked before taking an oral temperature?

eating/drinking anything too hot/cold or smoking can alter the temperature in the mouth.