Squid Anatomy and Function


Fleshy border separating head-foot from visceral mass


Image-forming organs for detecting visual stimuli


Hollow tube through which water is expelled from the mantle cavity at high velocity to propel the squid through the water


Body tube encircling visceral mass forming a hollow chamber in which water is collected and used for propulsion


Shorter appendages (8) used to manipulate captured prey and act as a rudder for navigating while swimming


Long, extensible, prehensile appendages (2) for capturing prey


Triangular-shaped extensions of the dorsal end of the body tube that are used for leisurely swimming and for maneuvering during locomotion


Paired, feathery organs used for respiration


Thin tube connecting the mouth to the stomach


Small, granular digestive gland that secretes enzymes into the stomach to assist in the breakdown of food


Large, elongated gland that releases secretions into the stomach to facilitate enzymatic digestion of food


Large, thin-walled digestive chamber prominent along the dorsal end of the body


Portion of digestive tract leading to anus

Ink sac

Large sac that opens into the rectum and secretes a dark brown or black fluid when the animal is alarmed


Terminal portion of digestive tract located near siphon

Testis (male)

Produces sperm; located in dorsal end of body tube

Vas deferens (male)

Open-ended chamber that receives and stores sperm

Spermatophoric gland (male)

Coiled, convoluted tubules that package sperm cells into spermatophore packets

Penis (male)

Muscular organ that gathers spermatophores and releases them outside the body where they are transferred by the males hectocotylus to the female during mating

Ovary (female)

Site of egg production

Oviduct (female)

Open-ended chamber that receives eggs from the ovary

Nidamental glands (female)

Produce secretions that form an encasement around the strings of eggs to protect them

Retractor muscles

Long muscles that control the retraction of the siphon and the head


Paired excretory organs located near the systemic heart that filter nitrogenous wastes from the hemolymph and eliminate them from the body

Systemic heart

Large, muscular ventricle that receives oxygenated blood from the gills and pumps it throughout the body

Branchial hearts

Smaller, muscular chambers that receive deoxygenated blood from all parts of the body and pump blood to the gills