Racioppo Protein Review


Process by which mRNA is decoded and a protein is produced


DNA to RNA in the nucleus(eukaryotic cell)

What are proteins used for?

Provide structure in cells

What are proteins made of?

amino acids

What process puts proteins together?

dehydration synthesis

What bonds hold proteins together?

peptide bonds

Sequence of amino acids


Where are proteins found on body?

muscles, bones, skin, hair

what process breaks down proteins?


where in the body are proteins broken down?

small intestines

Where in the cell are proteins made?


What codes to make a protein?


In a eukaryotic cell, where is the info to create protein stored?


In a prokaryotic cell, where is the info to create a protein stored?


3 ways DNA is different from RNA

sugar, RNA has 1 strand and DNA has 2, and RNA is made from a small section of DNA(gene)

why is RNA able to move around the cell?


what are carbohydrates made of?

carbon, hydrogen, oxygen

how are carbs different from proteins?

Carbohydrates: made of sugar, used for energy, fuels body cells. Proteins: made of amino acids, used for structure and build up healthy body cells.

Difference between dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis

Dehydration synthesis is removing water in order to bond monomers and hydrolysis is adding water to break down dimers.

nucleic acid

a complex organic substance present in living cells, especially DNA or RNA, whose molecules consist of many nucleotides linked in a long chain.