Biolog Exam 3 Ingersol FA2018

Genetic Code

Genetic code where 3 nucleotides specify a single amino acid. (triplet code)


a triplet of nucleotides that codes for an amino acid, a terminus, or a the beginning of replication.

How many codons can code for an amino acid (many, few, or a single)?


Codon Bias

Organisms utilize a specific codon for amino acids at a higher proportion than other codons.

Universality of Genetic Code

Nearly completely universal with the exception of a few organelles

'Reading Frame'

UAA, UAG, UGA are stops
AUG is start

Transcription Direction

5 to 3, N to C, prime


an RNA copy is made of a DNA strand


RNA polymerase binds to the -10 and -35 promotion complex

RNA polymerase

seperates DNA strands

open promoter complex

at transcription initiation, the stage at which RNA polymerase is bound and a short region of DNA opens to allow transcription from the template strand

sigma subunit

recognizes promoter


Rho binds tot he DNA and follows the path of RNA polymerase to the end of the transcribed mRNA. It assists in the termination of transcription. Rho can be bypassed through the usage of inverted loops, in which the nucleotides of the mRNA strand hydrogen b

Pancreatic Enzyme

Only is produced whilst digesting food through constitutive secretion. Enzyme is made all of the time, but only released on an as needed basis.

Cell Splicing Steps

1. Junction between exon 1 is clipped
2. Forms loop
3. Lariat is formed and separates from exon

Constitutive Secretory Pathway
