Protein Synthesis Quiz

List 4 differences between DNA and RNA

1. Sugar I'm DNA is deoxyribose, sugar in RNA is ribose
2. DNA is double helix, RNA has one strand
3. Base in DNA are C, G, A, T, RNA bases are C, G, A, U
4. DNA cannot leave the nucleus and RNA can

A group of 3 bases is called a:

triplet codon


mRNA giving code to tRNA


DNA giving code to mRNA

What are the 3 parts of a nucleotide?

5 carbon sugar, phosphate group, nitrogenous base

What is the first step in Protein Synthesis?

DNA unzips

What is the last step in Protein Synthesis?

mRNA carries code to cytoplasm (ribosomes) amino acids pair together.

Bases always bind to the same bases is an example of:

Complementary Base Pairings

What are segments of chromosomes?


What are the base pairs in DNA?

T-A, C-G

What is C?


What is G?


What are the base pairs in RNA?


How does the code get from the nucleus to cytoplasm?


How do the amino acids get to the ribosome?


What is the store of information in each gene?

Genetic Code

This would be all of the DNA in each cell of the body.
