P.E. Nutrition test

What are some examples of carbohydrates?

pasta, potatoes, vegtables, fruit

What are some examples of simple carbohydrates?

Soda, candy, cookies

What is the function of carbohydrates?

To provide the body with a source of energy

Too many simple carbohydrates cause

Excess fat, obesity

Proteins are made up of ______ amino acids


List good examples of complete proteins

All animal proteins, soy(exception)

List examples of incomplete proteins

Plant based products

Proteins are made up of amino acids the body uses to make up...

Hair, nail, muscle, skin, bone

What are examples of good, edible fats?

Meat, dairy products, fish, avocado, nuts, coconut

Fats are essential for _____

Normal growth and nerve function (key word: function)

What are some examples of minerals?

Calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, sodium, potassium, and selenium

What do you eat that aren't good sources of minerals?

Soda and candy

Minerals are essential for _____

Growth and maintenance of body structures

What do vitamins help the body produce?


What does water assist your body with?

Digestion and respiration

List 2 good, specific sources of omega 3 fatty acids

Salmon, anchovies, lake trout, tuna

Hypoglycemia is triggered by an increase in ______ produced by the pancreas


Eating a diet high in fat can cause _______ (too much plaque on artery walls)


List 2 different more general sources of calcium

Dairy products and leafy greens

What is gonna happen when you eat food high on glycemic index?


Insulin is called the ______ storage hormone


How much water are you recomendad to consume each day?

1/2 body wt. in ounces

What are some examples of antioxidants?

ACE ( vitamins A,C,E)

What is osteoporosis?

Low bone density

Circle item high on glycemic index

Baked potato

EC-What should your plate look like?


EC-why is it important to eat a wide variety of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, etc.?

To make sure you are getting all essential vitamins, minerals, and energy sources