Ion Channels

Pore inside cell membrane where ions can flow in and out of cell (proteins that span the cell membrane)

ion channel

Ions naturally attract


Because ions naturally attract water, it makes it unlikely they will just pass through ____________________________________ without help

phospholipid bilayer

Ions must ________________ travel through the holes created by ion channels


Flow of ions depends on (1)

whether ion channel is open or not

Flow of ions depends on (2)

concentration gradient for the particular ion

Flow of ions depends on (3)

electrical gradient between inside and outside of cell

Ion channels change _____________________________ potential by conducting specific ions through the membrane in response to a variety of signals

membrane potential

Opening of ion channels involves a conformational change in _____________________________
(physical change or movement in the ion structure to open or close it)

protein structure

Ion channels are important is propagating an

action potential

4 types of ion channels

voltage gated
ligand gated (internal or external)
mechanically gated (stretch or pressure)
phosphorylation gated

Ion channel that change in membrane potential that causes the gate to open or close

voltage gated

Ion channel where molecule binds to another molecule

ligand gated

Ion channel that moves by membrane stretching or pressure put on membrane (ex: hair cells in ears)

mechanically gated

Ion channel where the phosphorogroup attaches to the protein

phosphorylation gated

Waters of _________________ partially determine size for selectivity


______________ ions (Na+) attract more water


Ions must shed __________________________ to go through small channels (energetically unfavorable unless charged amino acids lining channel are in specific arrangements)

waters of hydration

Once shed, __________ is smaller than ________ so can get closer to strongly negatively charged amino acids in the channel (carboxylic acid) and pick up compensatory energy

Na+; K+

Once water is shed, due to the selectivity filter, Na+ goes on through but
K+ stays out because it is too ___________


Pores with weaker amino acids (carbonyl oxygen atoms) select for ______


Pores that are _____________ select for= sodium; Pores that are _____________ select for = potassium

stronger; weaker

The chloride selectivity filters are similar to K+ but the amino acids in channel are _____________________ charged to attract Cl- and repel K+/Na+


We know what proteins and amino acids make up ion channels but we don't know exactly ______ they are put together (but we can guess based on properties of the proteins)


______________ form the pore and are important for selectivity

p loops

Positive (+) charges in S4 are important for __________________________ voltage sensing


The x-ray _____________________ method is used to measure structure of an ion channel


The ___________________ is used to measure function of an ion channel

patch clamp