Ch 5: Questions

Polymerization is a process that

Involves the removal of a water molecules, links the sugar of one nucleotide with the phosphate lf the next, creates bonds between amino acids in the formation of a peptide chain, and a requires a condensatin reaction

What is not true about pentose?

it has the formula C5 H12 O5

Disaccharides can differ from each other in all of the following ways except

the number in their monosaccharides

What is not true of cellulose?

its monomers are glucose with nitrogen-containing appendages

Plants store most of their energy as....


What happens when a protein loses its structure?

it loses its secondary and tertiary structures

The alpha helix of proteins is

stabilzed by hydrogen bonds and commonly found in fibrous proteins

A fatty acid that has the formula C16 H32 O2 is


Three molecules of a fatty acid (C16 H32 O2) are joined to make a molecule of glycerol (C3 H8 O3). The resulting molecule has the formula

C51 H98 O6

Beta pleated sheets are characterized by

folds stabilized by hydrogen bonds between segmenrs of the polypeptide backbone

Cows can derive nutrients from cellulose because

one of their stomachs contains bacteria that can hydrolyze the binds of cellulose

Which molecule would provide the most energy (kcal/g) when eaten?


What determines the sequence of the amino acids in a particular protein?

the sequence of nucleotides in RNA, which was determined by the sequence of nucleotides in the gene for that protein

Sucrose is made from joining a glucose and a fructose molecule in a dehydration reaction. What is the molecular formula for this disaccharide?

C12 H22 O11

How are the nucleotide monomers connected form a polynucleotide ?

covalent bonds between the sugar of one nucleotide and the phosphate of the next

Out of cholesterol, nucleotides, amino acids, chitin, and glucose, which is the most hydrophobic molecule?


What is the complementary strand for GCCTAA?


Monkeys and humans share many of the same DNA sequences and have similar proteins, indicating that...

the two groups share a relatively recent common ancestor

What would be a major component of the cell membrane of fungus?


Hydrophobic as well as hydrophilic interactions would be important for which of the following types of molecules?


What is not a protein function?

being a primary compnent to cell membranes

Proteins with more than one polypeptide chains have ____ structure


The conformation of a protein is determined by its ____

primary structure

A pentose joined to a nitrogenous base and a phosphate group is called a


Who determined the amino acid sequence of insulin?


A carbohydrates includes

starch, monosaccharides, disaccharides, & polysaccharides

Amylase can break glycosidic linkages between glucose monomers only if the monomers are in the alpha form. Out of cellulose, chitin, glycogen, starch, and amylopectin, what could it break down?

glycogen, starch, and amylopectin

Nucleotides are to ____ as _____ are to proteins

nucleic acids; amino acids

What is true about unsaturated fats?

they have double bonds in the carbon chains of their fatty acids

The structural level of a protein least effected by a disruption in hydrogen bonding is the

primary structure

What is a pair of base sequences that could form a short stretch of normal double helix DNA?

5' ATGC 3' with 5' GCAT 3'

Enzymes that break down DNA catalyze the hydrolysis of the covalent bonds that join nucleotides together. What could happen to DNA molecules treated with these enzymes?

the phosphodiester bonds between doxyribose would be broken

What is correct about the 5' end of a polynucleotide strand?

it has a phosphate group

After eating a slice of apple, what reactions must occur for the amino acid monomers in the protein of the Apple to be converted to proteins in your body?

released in hydrolysis reactions, incorporated into proteins by dehydration reactins

What is the formula for a monosaccharide with three carbons?

C3 H6 O3

Difference between the structure of a fat (triglyceride) and a phospholipid:

Both have glycerol molecules attached to fatty acids
Fats- three fatty acids attached
Phospholipid- twp fatty acids, one phosphate group