Smartbook Qs Ch. 2

A chain of amino acids is called


When a slightly positive hydrogen atom forms a weak bond to an electronegative atom nearby, this weak attraction is called a(n) ____ bond.


Which of the following is true about a hydrophilic molecule?
A) It doesn't dissolve readily in water
B) Hydration spheres form readily around it
C) It's organic
D) It's non-polar
E) It's polar

B and E

_______ are atoms that have a positve or negative charge


Isotopes of a particular element all have the same _______ number and amount of ________

atomic, protons

number of protons in an atom is called the _________ __________

atomic number

A __________ is an organic molecule that contains carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in a C(n)-H(2n)-O(n) combo


An _____________ is a negatively charged ion.


When valence electrons are shared equally between two atoms, a ___________ ___________ bond is formed

nonpolar covalent

A ____________ ___________ bond is formed when the electrons of the bonding atoms are pulled more towards one atom than the other

polar covalent

A positively charged ion is called a _________


A molecule that can release H+ into a solution is classified as an _________


__________ are a type of fatty acid with cyclic hydrocarbon group that's involved with regulating body functions
