Test 2- Energy

3 sources of energy

CHO, lipid, protein

definition of energy

ability to do work

energy is measured in terms of _________________________________________

heat production

1 calorie (small "c") =

heat to raise the temp of 1 gram of water by 1 C

1000 calories =

1 kilocalorie (kcal)

1 Calorie (big "C") =

1 kcal

Joule =

the energy transferred to an object when a force of 1 newton acts on that object through a distance of 1 meter

1 cal = ___________ joules


1 joule = _____________ cal


what is BTU?

the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water through 1 F

purpose of a bomb calorimeter

determination of gross energy of a feed, ingredient, fecal sample

principle of bomb calorimeter

a known amount of sample is combusted in the reaction chamber and the resulting heat (as measured by the increase in the temperature in the water bath) is determined.

1 gram carbohydrate = ________ kcal


1 gram lipid = ________ kcal


1 gram protein = _______ kcal


1 gram ethanol = ______ kcal


daily energy intake for a human

2500 kcal/day

daily energy intake for pigs: typical diet

3200-3400 kcal/kg

daily energy intake for pigs: growing pigs

10 Mcal/d (3 kg feed/d)

daily energy intake for pigs: lactating sow

20-40 Mcal/d (6-12 kg feed/d)

daily energy intake for horses

13-20 Mcal/d

daily energy intake for horses by energy densities: forage ______________ + concentrate ______________

1.8-2.1 Mcal/kg for forage; 3.0-3.4 Mcal/kg for concentrate

are concentrates or forage more energy dense?


feed = _______________ energy


feces = _____________ energy


digestible energy =

feed energy - fecal energy

feed energy - fecal energy =

digestible energy

digestible energy can be used to describe the ____________ or the _________________________________________

diet; ingredients in the diet

metabolizable energy (ME) =

digestible energy - (urinary+gas energy)

the breakdown products of metabolism

urinary energy

two products of gas energy

methane, hydrogen

gas energy is a calculation used in ruminants. what about non-ruminants?

used in ruminants; ignored in non-ruminants

net energy (NE) =

metabolizable energy - heat increment

define heat increment

heat production associated with nutrient digestion and metabolism and the heat of fermentation

the heat that is wasted or lost to the environment, but may also contribute to body temperature

heat increment

nutrient with highest heat increment


nutrient with lowest heat increment


which has a higher heat increment...protein or digestible CHO?


net energy = metabolizable energy - heat increment. But it also can =......

NEm + NEp (maintenance + production)

factors of NEm (maintenance)

heart rate, kidney, protein turnover, CNS activity, respiration, liver
-largest factor is ion balance

factors of NEp (production)

tissue (muscle, fat), lactation, egg production, pregnancy, wool, hair, feathers, work

energy lost from feed (gross energy)

fecal energy

energy lost from digestible energy (DE)

urinary (and gas) energy

energy lost from metabolizable energy (ME)

heat increment

energy lost from net energy (NE)

maintenance + production

heat production = _________________ + ________________________

heat increment + net energy for maintenance

what is used to determine heat production?


explain direct calorimetry

measure temperature change in chamber



indirect calorimetry =

measure oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production, then calculate heat production

retained energy =

protein and lipid deposition

retained energy is determined using...

comparative slaughter technique

if an animal eats above its maintenance requirements there will be...

retained energy

explain comparative slaughter technique

analyzes how much is gained and what the composition of that gain is

an increase in feed intake leads to an _________________ in retained energy


what does PFV stand for?

physiological fuel values

PFV = ________ values

metabolizable energy

what are the physiological fuel values for CHO, fat, proten

CHO: 4 kcal/g
Fat: 9 kcal/g
Protein: 4 kcal/g

defien total digestible nutrients (TDN)

a standard evaluation of the nutritional merit of a particular feed for farm animals which includes all the digestible organic nutrients- protein, fiber, nitrogen-free extract, and lipids.

TDN = (4 components)

digestible crude protein + digestible NFE + digestible crude fiber + 2.25 x digestible ether extract

TDN is expressed as: (2)

a percentage of the ration, or as lbs or kg of TDN

as crude fiber or ADF increases, TDN ____________________


_______________________(3) in ingredients are similar for all species

amino acids, minerals, vitamins

_________________________________ may differ by species

amino acid digestibility

energy values are species _____________________


Meeting the energy requirement: CATTLE


Meeting the energy requirement: DAIRY


Meeting the energy requirement: HORSES


Meeting the energy requirement: PIGS


Meeting the energy requirement: POULTRY


what does AME stand for?

apparent metabolizable energy

what does TME stand for?

true metabolizable energy


GE of feed - fecal, urinary

if AME is characterized by nitrogen retention it is written...



GE - excreta energy

explain process of TME

test ingredient substituted for ingredient of known ME or subtract excreta energy in fasted birds

energy density is a measure of...

the energy (DE or ME) per unit of feed

energy density is expressed as...

kcal/kg or Mcal/kg

__________ has high energy density, ______________ has low energy density

fat, fiber

used to describe the energy content of a diet or an ingredient

energy density

low DE:GE =

high fiber

low ME:DE

high protein

ME:DE decrease means there is a higher loss of _______________ energy


DE:GE decrease means there is a higher loss of _______________ energy


energy requirement =

maintenance + growth + activity + environmental temperature

maintenance is estimated as a function of...

body weight to the 0.75 power

BW^0.75 =

metabolic body size

growth is composition of...


composition of gain =

protein and lipid deposition

thermoneutrality =

temperature where animal does not need to burn calories to maintain body temperature

what happens at temperatures below thermoneutrality?

calories must be expended

provide prioritization of nutrient use according to Hammond's Principles of Energy Utilization

CNS=fetus > bone > muscle > fat

the preferred form of energy


what is the limitation to protein as an energy source?

there is an energy cost to excrete nitrogen

what is the limitation to using fat as an energy source?

leads to carcass fat, more difficult physical handling of diets

3 sources of energy

CHO, lipid, protein

definition of energy

ability to do work

energy is measured in terms of _________________________________________

heat production

1 calorie (small "c") =

heat to raise the temp of 1 gram of water by 1 C

1000 calories =

1 kilocalorie (kcal)

1 Calorie (big "C") =

1 kcal

Joule =

the energy transferred to an object when a force of 1 newton acts on that object through a distance of 1 meter

1 cal = ___________ joules


1 joule = _____________ cal


what is BTU?

the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of water through 1 F

purpose of a bomb calorimeter

determination of gross energy of a feed, ingredient, fecal sample

principle of bomb calorimeter

a known amount of sample is combusted in the reaction chamber and the resulting heat (as measured by the increase in the temperature in the water bath) is determined.

1 gram carbohydrate = ________ kcal


1 gram lipid = ________ kcal


1 gram protein = _______ kcal


1 gram ethanol = ______ kcal


daily energy intake for a human

2500 kcal/day

daily energy intake for pigs: typical diet

3200-3400 kcal/kg

daily energy intake for pigs: growing pigs

10 Mcal/d (3 kg feed/d)

daily energy intake for pigs: lactating sow

20-40 Mcal/d (6-12 kg feed/d)

daily energy intake for horses

13-20 Mcal/d

daily energy intake for horses by energy densities: forage ______________ + concentrate ______________

1.8-2.1 Mcal/kg for forage; 3.0-3.4 Mcal/kg for concentrate

are concentrates or forage more energy dense?


feed = _______________ energy


feces = _____________ energy


digestible energy =

feed energy - fecal energy

feed energy - fecal energy =

digestible energy

digestible energy can be used to describe the ____________ or the _________________________________________

diet; ingredients in the diet

metabolizable energy (ME) =

digestible energy - (urinary+gas energy)

the breakdown products of metabolism

urinary energy

two products of gas energy

methane, hydrogen

gas energy is a calculation used in ruminants. what about non-ruminants?

used in ruminants; ignored in non-ruminants

net energy (NE) =

metabolizable energy - heat increment

define heat increment

heat production associated with nutrient digestion and metabolism and the heat of fermentation

the heat that is wasted or lost to the environment, but may also contribute to body temperature

heat increment

nutrient with highest heat increment


nutrient with lowest heat increment


which has a higher heat increment...protein or digestible CHO?


net energy = metabolizable energy - heat increment. But it also can =......

NEm + NEp (maintenance + production)

factors of NEm (maintenance)

heart rate, kidney, protein turnover, CNS activity, respiration, liver
-largest factor is ion balance

factors of NEp (production)

tissue (muscle, fat), lactation, egg production, pregnancy, wool, hair, feathers, work

energy lost from feed (gross energy)

fecal energy

energy lost from digestible energy (DE)

urinary (and gas) energy

energy lost from metabolizable energy (ME)

heat increment

energy lost from net energy (NE)

maintenance + production

heat production = _________________ + ________________________

heat increment + net energy for maintenance

what is used to determine heat production?


explain direct calorimetry

measure temperature change in chamber



indirect calorimetry =

measure oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production, then calculate heat production

retained energy =

protein and lipid deposition

retained energy is determined using...

comparative slaughter technique

if an animal eats above its maintenance requirements there will be...

retained energy

explain comparative slaughter technique

analyzes how much is gained and what the composition of that gain is

an increase in feed intake leads to an _________________ in retained energy


what does PFV stand for?

physiological fuel values

PFV = ________ values

metabolizable energy

what are the physiological fuel values for CHO, fat, proten

CHO: 4 kcal/g
Fat: 9 kcal/g
Protein: 4 kcal/g

defien total digestible nutrients (TDN)

a standard evaluation of the nutritional merit of a particular feed for farm animals which includes all the digestible organic nutrients- protein, fiber, nitrogen-free extract, and lipids.

TDN = (4 components)

digestible crude protein + digestible NFE + digestible crude fiber + 2.25 x digestible ether extract

TDN is expressed as: (2)

a percentage of the ration, or as lbs or kg of TDN

as crude fiber or ADF increases, TDN ____________________


_______________________(3) in ingredients are similar for all species

amino acids, minerals, vitamins

_________________________________ may differ by species

amino acid digestibility

energy values are species _____________________


Meeting the energy requirement: CATTLE


Meeting the energy requirement: DAIRY


Meeting the energy requirement: HORSES


Meeting the energy requirement: PIGS


Meeting the energy requirement: POULTRY


what does AME stand for?

apparent metabolizable energy

what does TME stand for?

true metabolizable energy


GE of feed - fecal, urinary

if AME is characterized by nitrogen retention it is written...



GE - excreta energy

explain process of TME

test ingredient substituted for ingredient of known ME or subtract excreta energy in fasted birds

energy density is a measure of...

the energy (DE or ME) per unit of feed

energy density is expressed as...

kcal/kg or Mcal/kg

__________ has high energy density, ______________ has low energy density

fat, fiber

used to describe the energy content of a diet or an ingredient

energy density

low DE:GE =

high fiber

low ME:DE

high protein

ME:DE decrease means there is a higher loss of _______________ energy


DE:GE decrease means there is a higher loss of _______________ energy


energy requirement =

maintenance + growth + activity + environmental temperature

maintenance is estimated as a function of...

body weight to the 0.75 power

BW^0.75 =

metabolic body size

growth is composition of...


composition of gain =

protein and lipid deposition

thermoneutrality =

temperature where animal does not need to burn calories to maintain body temperature

what happens at temperatures below thermoneutrality?

calories must be expended

provide prioritization of nutrient use according to Hammond's Principles of Energy Utilization

CNS=fetus > bone > muscle > fat

the preferred form of energy


what is the limitation to protein as an energy source?

there is an energy cost to excrete nitrogen

what is the limitation to using fat as an energy source?

leads to carcass fat, more difficult physical handling of diets