Natural Protein Fibers (Wool, Silk)

The term wool legally includes fiber from various animals, such as sheep, Cashmere goat, Angora goat, camel, alpaca, llama, and vicuna

Production of wool

Removing oil, grease, perspiration, and other impurities by washing in a warm, soapy, alkaline solution (???????? ???????)

Scouring (???????)

Removing vegetable matters with sulfuric acid (?????? ???????)


Straightening fibers; making fibers somewhat parallel

Carding (????????????)

Removing short fibers; further making fiber parallel



Structure of wool


Molecular structure: Keratin polymer

Bonds form between adjacent polymers and also within the helical structure:
1) ionic bonds when two amino acids are in close proximity;
2) covalent bonds between two sulfur atoms;
3) hydrogen bonds between two polymers or within helical structure
These bo

Molecular structure: Keratin polymer (bonds)

- Tenacity - low; abrasion resistance - low to medium; elongation - high;
- Elastic recovery - high; resilience - high;
- Absorbency - hydrophilic fiber; electrical conductivity - medium; specific gravity - medium, thermal retention - high;
- Chemical res

Properties of wool fiber

Textile fibers are staple or filament.

Fiber length


Staple fibers


Filament fibers

- Silk is the only natural filament fiber.
- Spinning silk fibers to form cocoon;
- Degumming;
- Reeling of silk.

Production of silk

The process of removing the sericin, or silk gum, from silk


- Silk fibers are triangular in cross-section with rounded corners. This contributes to the luster of silk;
- Silk filaments are very fine and long (300-600 m/filament; 1.25 denier/filament)

Structure of silk


Molecular structure: Fibroin polymer

- Tenacity - medium; Abrasion resistance - moderate; Elongation - medium; sunlight resistance - low.
- Elastic recovery - medium; resilience - medium; luster - due to triangular cross-section.
- Absorbency - hydrophilic fiber; electrical conductivity - me

Properties of silk fiber