Chapter 11

Hair cuticle

Outermost layer of the hair; consisting of a single, overlapping layer of transparent, scale-like cells that look like shingles on the root. Provides a barrier that protects the inner structure of the hair as it lies tightly against the cortex. Responsibl

Dermal papilla

Small cone-shaped elevation located at the base of the hair follicle that fits into the hair bulb. Contains the blood and nerve supply that provides the nutrients needed for hair growth.


A fatty or oily substance secreted by the sebaceous glands that lubricates the skin.

Hair cortex

Middle layer of the hair; a fibrous protein core formed by elongated cells containing melanin pigment. About 90% of the hair comes from here. Elasticity of the hair and its natural color are the result of unique protein structures located in this. Changes


Elements; carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and sulfur. Make up human hair, skin, tissue and nails.

Amino acids

Units that's are joined together end-to-end like pop beads by storing, chemical peptide bonds (end bonds) to form the polypeptide chains that comprise proteins.

Salt bonds

A weak, physical, cross-link side bond between adjacent polypeptide chains. These depend oh pH so they are easily broken by strong alkaline or acidic solutions. Account for about 1/3 of the hairs overall strength.

Lanthionine bonds

The bonds created when disulfide bonds are broken by hydroxide chemical hair relaxers after the relaxer is rinsed from the hair.


The lighter pigment that provides natural colors ranging from red and ginger to yellow and blond tones.

Lanugo hair

Aka vellum/vellus hair; Short, fine, unpigmented and downy hair that appears on the body with the exception of the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet. Almost never has a medulla. Commonly found on infants.

Telogen phase

Aka resting phase; final phase in the hair cycle hat lasts until the fully grown hair is shed.

Anagen phase

Aka growth phase; phase during which new hair is produced.

Alopecia totails

Total loss of hair scalp


Technical term for split ends, only way to remove is by cutting.

Fragilitas crinium

Technical term for brittle hair


Naturally occurring fungus that is present on all human skin, but is responsible for dandruff when it grows out of control.


Technical term for dandruff; characterized by excessive production and accumulation of skin cells.

Hair texture

Thickness or diameter of the individual hair strand

Pityriasis Capitis Simplex

Technical term for classic dandruff; characterized by scalp irritation, large flakes, and itchy scalp.

Pediculosis capitis

Infestation of the hair and scalp with head lice.


Technical term for split ends

Trichorrhexis Nodosa

Technical term for knotted hair; it is characterized by brittleness and the formation of modular swellings along the hair shaft.

Catagen phase

The brief transition between the growth and resting phases of a hair follicle. It signals the end of the growth phase.