O Chem final problems

flowcharts: what is first additive (how to know)

if CO2H then Na; if N then HCl

flowcharts: what is removed in ether first

neutral group

flowcharts: how many products

three; NaCl and two originals in their own solvents

Benedict's reagent, 100 means

top become CO2- with an Na+; if there is a C=O in middle then two products to show L and D products; DO NOT forget Cu2O (s) product

what is a reducing sugar

one with Hemiketal; hemiacetal; aldehyde; ketone

DRAW Hemiketal; hemiacetal; aldehyde; ketone


H2SO4 with heat means

get rid of HO and replace with double bond; may be a few forms of answer. major will be most substituted

GC polarity questions

more polar = longer retention time

KOH, ethanol, heat means

Br is ripped off and forms the least substituted double bond

DCC/RT means

get rid of H2O (OH from one, H from NH2) then make it c=o and With R group and one H; may end up forming a ring if OH is on the end of the carbon chain

LiAlH4, EtO/H2O means

get rid of =O

what if you have H2 in excess and Pd/C

give the N's H's. if there is a = by an N it's gone. if CN NH2CH2

what if toluene

get rid of O, replace with N

how many things does N like attached to it for a neutral charge

three total

what if excess Carbon&neagtive ion/K2CO3

give N extra Carbon groups until it is +1 to balance the -1 negative ion

HCl in heat means

get rid of N and throw an OH on

what is DCC


excess H2 and pd/C means

H's for every N. get rid of double bonds by N's and O's by N's

MeI/K2Co3 menas

throw Me on the N until it has a + charge to balance I-

if you have excess NH3 means

you're forming amino acids! must have N terminus and C terminus with + on one side and - on the other. need to keep one =O and have the side chain.

what happens if pI is less than pH

amino acids have net negative character and migrate towards the positive electrode

if pI is greater than pH, then

two +'s

if pI = pH

then + and -

if pI is less than pH, then

only one -