Lab 9: Digestion

Which half-tablet dissolved faster, and why?

crushed because it was already in smaller particles. crushed tablets have less surface volume and more surface area to get rid of the tablet

why is chewing an important step in the process of digestion? how might the digestion of chewed and unchewed food differ?

the difference between surface area and surface volume plays a role

gastric digestion: in which test tube did protein digestion occur? how do you know?

Tube with pepsin, HCl, and albumin
Pepsin breaks down albumin but becomes activated by HCl

intestinal digestion of starch: in which test tube did starch digestion occur? How do you know?

tube with starch and pancreatin powder at 37-40 degrees C
Tube 1 because of yellow color (yellow-starch not present)

intestinal digestion of starch: which temperature was better for starch digestion? Why?

lower temp because higher temp can denature enzymes
37-40 is closer to body temp

intestinal digestion of proteins and lipids: in which test tube were proteins and lipids digested? how do you know?

tube with litmus milk and pancreatin powder
when the pH decreases, the solution turns red meaning it is more acidic

intestinal digestion of proteins and lipids: milk contains proteins and lipids. why would digestion of these nutrients cause an increase in acidity?

proteins are made of amino acids and lipids are made of fatty acids therefore causing an increase in acidity

intestinal absorption of nutrients: based on your observations, what substances were able to diffuse through the membrane to the water in the beaker? how do you know?

glucose - orange (small sugars present) - permeable through the membrane

intestinal absorption of nutrients: do you think that glucose can be absorbed by the small intestine? why?

yes because it was able to get through the membrane

intestinal absorption of nutrients: do you think that starch can be absorbed by the small intestine? why

no - too large