Unit 17: DNA Structure and Function

The DNA polymer is composed of repeating units called


DNA nucleotide consists of three components linked together by condensation:

Phosphate, Five-carbon sugar, Nitrogenous bases

Replicates DNA prior to mitosis; Separates the two complementary strands, unlocking them, takes free nucleotides from the cytoplasm and pairs up the nucleotides needed to match the exposed nucleotides of the stands

DNA Polymerase

When replication has finished, two identical copies of DNA has been produced. Each new DNA molecules contains one of the original strands and a newly synthesized complementary strand. This process is called

Semiconservative DNA Replication

RNA differs from DNA by (4)

1) RNA molecules is smaller
2) Uracil replaces thymine in RNA
3) RNA sugar is Ribose, not Deoxyribose
4) There is one major form of DNA, but there are several forms of RNA

Carries the message from DNA to the cytoplasm, where the message is read and translated into a protein

Messenger RNA (mRNA)

The process of making an mRNA copy of DNA; takes place in the nucleus


Large enzyme, transcribes DNA into RNA

RNA polymerase

A group of three mRNA nucleotides


An organelle consisting of ribosomal RNA and various proteins


The process of combining a specific number of amino acids together in a specific sequence, as determined by the mRNA sequence


Temporarily binds to the mRNA


A group of three nucleotides comprise the


Any change in the DNA


Mutation where one nucleotide is replaced by another

Base substitution

A change in the final amino acid sequence of a protein

Silent Mutation

Mutation where the altered codon still codes for an amino acid, but for a different amino acid

Missense Mutation

Mutation when the altered codon is a stop codon, and translation is stopped prematurely

Nonsense Mutation

Mutation is when one or more nucleotides are added or removed from the DNA

Base deletion or Base insertion

Bacterial enzymes that recognize a specific DNA sequence wherever it occurs in the DNA, and thence the DNA at that sequence

Restriction Enzymes

Phenomenon protects the bacteria's own DNA from hydrolysis


The foreign piece of DNA may thus be incorporated into the DNA

Recombinant DNA

Adenine and Guanine are doubled ringed...


Thymine and Cytosine are smaller ringed...
