WOTW Quiz 1, WOTW Quiz 2

vivacious definition

energetic and lively in an attractive way

vivacious root

vivere-to live

abhor definition

to regard with hatred or disgust

abhor root

ab-away, horrere-to shudder

deftly definition

done in a way that shows skill and speed

deftly root

variant of daft-foolish

boisterous definition

noisy, energetic, and cheerful

boisterous root

boistuous-rough or course

cognate definition

a word having the same linguistic origin as another word

cognate root

co-together, natus-born

nebulous definition

unclear, vague, or ill defined

nebulous root


malleable definition

easily influenced or able to be hammered without cracking

malleable root


ornery definition

bad-tempered, stubborn, and combative

ornery root

contraction of ordinary

conducive definition

making a situation likely or possible

conducive root

conducere-to bring together

auspicious definition

conducive to success

auspicious root

avis-bird, specere-to look

palpable definition

so strong, intense, and clear, that it can almost be touched

palpable root

palpare-to touch

distraught definition

deeply upset and agitated

distraught root

distractus-distracted, straugh-stretched

nuance definition

a subtle difference in meaning, expression, or sound

nuance root

nuer-to shade

adversary definition

an opponent in a contest, conflict, or dispute

adversary root


alleviate definition

to make (suffering or a problem) less severe

alleviate root

ad-to, levare-to raise, allevare-to lighten

audacity definition

the willingness to take bold risks or rude or disrespectful behavior

audacity root


marvel definition

to regard with wonder or a surprising, unusual thing or person

marvel root

mirari-to wonder at

meticulously definition

done in a way that shows attention to detail, care, and precision

meticulously root


beguile definition

to charm or enchant, often in a deceptive way

beguile root

be-thoroughly, guile-to deceive

vehemently definition

done in a way that shows intense or forceful emotion or conviction

vehemently root
