Vocabulary 10

Disparity (N)

Discrepancy, incongruity, difference

Patrician (N)

Aristocrat, peer: noble, highborn

Acumen (N)

Insight, perspicacity, shrewdness, acuity

Liaison (N)

intermediary, channel, contact

Nihilism (N)

total redemption of establishment

Mot juste (N)

the right word

Anachronism (N)

chronological order

Lackey (N)

footman, toady, flunky, hanger-on

Apocryphal (ADJ)

fictitious, mythical, bogus

Empirical (ADJ)

observed, experimental, pragmatic

Imperceptible (ADJ)

minimal, slight, undetectable

Flamboyant (ADJ)

showy, ostentatious, ornate, florid

Fulsome (ADJ)

excessive, inordinate, repulsive

Monolithic (ADJ)

Undifferentiated, massive, dense

Sublimate (V)

re channel, redirect, elevate

Dissimulate (V)

dissemble, pretend

Immolate (V)

sacrifice, slay, kill

Adjudicate (V)

arbitrate, referee, mediate

Propitiate (V)

appease, placate, mollify

[sic] (ADV)

thus, so