English Quiz 1

What does plead mean?

Plead means to request in a serious way

What does pugnacious mean?

Pugnacious means ready to fight

What does the root word "andro" mean?

The root word "andro" means man or male.

What does the root word "cerebro" mean?


Give an example word for the root word "cerebro

An example word for "cerebro" is cerebellum.

What does the root word "mal" mean?


What does this quote mean: "The best laid schemes of Mice and Men go oft awry" mean?

You can plan but one small mistake will bring the whole thing down.

Write an example for the root word "bene.

The benefactor gave me a thousand dollars for college.

What does hobo mean?

A hobo is a traveling worker or a homeless vagabond.