Chapter 18 Fluids and Electrolytes

50% to 60%

What percentage of an adult's body weight consists of water?

If the patient loses 20% of body fluid

When administering intravenous (IV)fluids,the nurse ensures that the IV fluids are infusing as ordered to prevent dehydration in an adult.When could dehydration become lethal?

Extracellular compartment

The nurse uses a diagram to show that fluids in the interstitial and intravascular compartments are combined.What do they combine to form?

2500 mL

The nurse encourages a patient who has been vomiting to drink fluids because the body fluid lost daily must match the amount of fluid taken in to maintain homeostasis.What is the recommended daily amount of fluid for an adult?

30 mL

The nurse must keep an accurate intake and output record to assess kidney efficiency.In order for the kidneys to remove waste,what is the least amount of hourly urine output the kidneys must produce to remove waste?

Water balance

The nurse weighs a patient at the same time of day with the same scale and same clothing.What is this a simple and accurate method of determining?

Intracellular compartment

When a patient takes substances into the body,they first enter the extracellular compartment.What must the substances enter to carry out their function?

Passive transport

What is the method by which inhaled oxygen is moved into the intravascular compartment called?


The nurse explains to a patient that the drug Lasix reduces edema by drawing water from the interstitial space into the intravascular space.What is this process called?

Hydrostatic pressure

What does actively transporting electrolytes from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration require?

1 mEq of hydrogen

Electrolytes are not measured by weight;their chemical activity is expressed in milliequivalents.What does 1 mEq of potassium have the same combining power as?


Sodium is the most abundant electrolyte in the body.The location of electrolytes is important for maintaining homeostasis.Sodium is the major electrolyte in which fluid compartment?


The lactating mother is counseled by the nurse to eat adequate amounts of meat and legumes.What level will this help to increase?


A nurse assesses an edematous cardiac patient.The nurse is aware that this condition is a result of retained fluid.What is the patient considered to be?

Cardiac complications

What is the nurse closely assessing for in a patient with hypokalemia?

Renal calculi

The nurse modifies the care plan for the immobilized patient after assessing a calcium level of 6.2 mEq/L.What nursing assessment should the nurse include when modifying this care plan?


Homeostasis of the hydrogen ion concentration in body fluids depends on the ratio of carbonic acid to bicarbonate in the extracellular fluid.What is this ratio?

Metabolic acidosis

When reading the laboratory report of a patient with excessive diarrhea,the nurse notes that the pH is 7.10,and the PaCO2 and the PaO2 are normal.What should the nurse recognize as this patient's state from this information alone?

Muscle weakness

What should the nurse expect when assessing a patient with respiratory alkalosis?

Blood buffers,lungs,and kidneys

Three body systems work at different speeds to keep the pH in the narrow range of normal.What is the order of effectiveness for these three systems?

Respiratory alkalosis

A patient admitted in a state of extreme anxiety has vital signs of T 98.6�F (37�C),P 81,BP 130/86,R 32.What will result if this hyperventilation continues?

Metabolic alkalosis

A patient began vomiting and continued to do so for several hours.What is the result of this loss of stomach contents?

Deep-breathing exercises

What should the nurse focus on when creating a nursing care plan for a patient with metabolic acidosis?

Apricots and asparagus

The nurse is educating a patient regarding the need to avoid foods high in potassium.What food choices led the nurse to conclude that teaching was not effective?


What are the three types of passive transport? (Select all that apply. )A) Diffusion B) Titration C) Osmosis D) Distillation E) Filtration


What are the three buffer systems of the body? (Select all that apply. )A) Bicarbonate/carbonic acid system B) Respiratory system C) Renal system D) GI system E) Integumentary system


The nurse expects an adult with normal ______________ function to void a minimum of 120 mL of urine in 4 hours.


A child has been having an asthma attack for the last 8 hours.Because of the child's inability to exhale effectively,the nurse assesses for respiratory __________.


The nurse explains that a normal adult will lose approximately 350 mL of water through respiration in the course of a(n)________.