Public Speaking Quiz 1

Public Speaking

The process of presenting a message to an audience, small or large


Having resources, information, and attitudes that lead to action to achieve a desired goal

Critical Thinking

Analyzing information to judge its accuracy and relevance


The public speaker


To translate ideas and images into verbal or nonverbal symbols


A verbal or nonverbal symbol for an idea or image


The content of a speech and the mode of its delivery


To translate verbal or nonverbal symbols into ideas and images


The visual and auditory means by which a message is transmitted from sender to receiver


A listener or an audience member

External Noise

Physical sounds that interfere with communication

Internal Noise

Physiological or psychological interference with communication


Verbal and nonverbal responses provided by an audience to a speaker


The environment or situation in which a speech occurs


The use of words and symbols to achieve a goal


The delivery of an already famous speech


The expression of emotion through posture, movement, gesture, facial expression, and voice

5 Cannons of preparing and Presenting a Speech

Invention-the creative process of developing your ideas
Arrangement-how the speech is organized
Style-your choice of words
Memory-the extent to which you use notes or rely on your memory to share your ideas
Delivery-the nonverbal expression of your message

Four styles of of communication apprehension

Average: positive approach to communicating in public, overall heart rate is average, and high rating of performance
Insensitive: previous experience, less sensitive to apprehension when speaking, lower heart rate; success rate is moderate
Inflexible: highest heart rate; fear motivates to prepare and perform best or others their speaking is diminished
Confrontational: High heart rate at 1st, then average; experienced speakers

How to build confidence

Don't Procrastinate
Learn as much as possible about audience
Select a topic you're interested in/know a lot about
Be prepared and well organized
Be familiar with intro and conclusion
Rehearse while standing, aloud, and in an alike environment
Use breathing techniques to help you relax
Channel nervous energy
Visualize being successful
Give yourself a mental pep talk
Focus on your message not your fear
Look for positive supporter listener
Focus on accomplishments and not what you did wrong
Seek other experiences to gain confidence

Speech Topic

The key focus of the content of a speech

General Purpose

The overarching goal of a speech-to inform, persuade, or entertain

Specific Purpose

A concise statement of the desired audience response, indicating what you want your listeners to remember, feel, or do when you finish speaking

Central Idea

A one-sentence summary of the speech content

Main Ideas

The key points of a speech


The development or discovery of ideas and insights


The organization and arrangement of ideas and illustrations

Whats the 5 Purposes of an Introduction

Get the audience's attention
Give the Audience a reason to listen
Introduce the subject
Establish your credibility
Preview your main ideas


An illustration or story

Effective Introductions

Startling facts/stats
References to historical or recent events
References to occasion or preceding speeches
Personal references

Rhetorical Question

A question intended to provoke thought rather than elicit an answer

Purposes of a Conclusion

Summarize the speech
Reemphasize Central idea in a memorable way
Restate the main ideas
Provide closure
Give verbal/nonverbal signals end of speech
Motive audience to respond

Suggestions for effective conclusions

Methods also used for introductions
References to the Introduction
Inspirational appeals or challenges

Oral vs. Written Style

Oral: more personal, repetitive, looser construction and less formal
Written: has more complex, longer sentence

4 ways to ensure using words effectively

Keep language specific and cornet
Keep language simple and avoid a long word when a short one will do
Use language correctly(consider connotative and denotative meanings)
Be concise by eliminating words/phrases that add no meaning to your message and avoid narrating your speaking technique

Ladder of Abstraction

Continuum model of abstract and concrete words for a concept, idea, or thing


The literal meaning of a word


The meaning listens associate with a word, base on their experiences


Succinct or to the point


An overused expression

Ethnic Vernacular

A variety of English that includes words and phrases used by a specific ethnic group


Words or phrases used uniquely by speakers in one part of a country


The specialized language of a profession

Standard American English

The English taught by schools and used in the media, business, and government in the United States

3 Ways to Adapt Your Language Style to Diverse Listeners

Use language audience can understand
Avoid offending audience by using appropriate language
Use unbiased language to communicate sensitivity to diverse audience

Figure of Speech

Language that deviates from the ordinary, expected meaning of words to make a decryption or comparison unique, vivid, and memorable


An implied comparison between two things or concepts


A comparison between two things using like or as

Crisis Rhetoric

Language used by speakers during momentous or overwhelming times


The attribution of human qualities to inanimate things or ideas


Leaving out a word or phrase the listener expects to hear


Reversing the normal word order of a phrase or sentence


Withholding a key word or phrase until the end of a sentence


The rhythm of a language


Use of a key word or phrase more than once for emphasis


Use of the same grammatical pattern for two or more phrases, clauses, or sentences


Opposition, such as that used in parallel two-part sentences in which the second part contrasts in meaning with the first


The repetition of a consonant sound (usually the first consonant) several times in a phrase, clause, or sentence

Ways to Make Memorable Word Structures

creating figurative images
Creating Drama by varied sentence structures
Creating Cadence

Using Memorable Word Structures Effectively

Use sparingly, at strategic points in your speech, and to economize them(redo long and complex sentence structures)

Nonverbal Communication

Communication other than written or spoken language that creates meaning

Nonverbal Expectancy Theory

A communication theory that suggests that if listeners' expectations about how communication should be expressed are violated, listeners will feel less favorable toward the communicator of the message

Emotional Contagion Theory

A theory suggesting that people tend to "catch" the emotions of others

5 Characteristics of a nonverbal communication

Creates a majority of the meaning of speech
Disappoints audiences when it violates their expectations
Communicates all the emotion in a speech
helps listeners "catch" the speaker's feelings
Often more believable than words

Manuscript Speaking

Reading a speech from a written text

Memorized Speaking

Delivering a speech word for word from memory without using notes

Impromptu Speech

Delivering a speech without advance preparation

5 Guidelines of Impromptu Speeches

Consider your audience
Be Brief
Speak honestly, but with reserve, from personal experience and knowledge
Be cautious

Extemporaneous Speaking

Speaking from a written or memorized speech outline without having memorized the exact wording of the speech

Characteristics of Effective Delivery

Eye Contact, Gestures, Posture, Movement, Facial Expression, Vocal Delivery, and Personal Appearance


The degree of perceived physical or psychological closeness between people

Immediacy Behaviors

Behaviors such as making eye contact, making appropriate gestures, and adjusting physical distance that enhance the quality of the relationship between speaker and listeners


The softness or loudness of a speaker's voice


The production of clear and distinct speech sounds


A consistent style of pronouncing words that is common to an ethnic group or geographic region


The use of sounds to form words clearly and accurately


How high or low the voice sounds


The variation in the pitch of the voice

Lavaliere Microphone

A microphone that can be clipped to an article of clothing or worn on a cord around your neck

Boom Microphone

A microphone that is suspended from a bar and moved to follow the speaker; often used in movies and TV

Stationary Microphone

A microphone attached to a lectern, sitting on a desk, or standing on the floor

6 Ways to Deliver to Diverse Audience

Avoid ethnocentric mindset
Consider using a less dramatic style for predominantly high-context
Consult with other speakers who have presented to your audience
Monitor your level of immediacy with your audience
Monitor the intensity of your expression of emotion
Know the code

5 Tips for Rehearsing Speech

More time preparing and rehearsing = higher grade
Finish outline two days before speech
Rehearse aloud and time your speech before making your speech notes
Make rehearsals like actual setting as much as you can
Seek feedback and self-critique video of your rehearsal

5 Tips for Delivering Your Speech

Be well rested
Review suggestions for becoming confident speaker
Arrive Early
Prepare Room and Equipment
Visualize success

8 Tips for Responding to Questions

Prepare and ask the first question
Listen nonjudgmental; repeat or rephrase questions
Respond to whole audience
Bring off-topic questions back to your message
Acknowledge emotions, keep to the issue, and avoid personal responses to hostile questions
Admit it when you don't know the answer
Keep answers brief and organized
Warn audience when session is ending