Public Speaking Final

According to Aristotle, the ___________ is the end and oject of the speech


4 characteristics of ethical speakers are

1. Honest
2. Integrity
3. Fair
4. Respectful
5. Responsible

Public speaking apprehension _______________ as we speak


3 ways to reduce speech anxiety are:

1. Practice
2. Time to Prep
3. choose appropriate time

5 elements of active listening include

1. Determine organization
2. Ask
3. Silently paraphrase key info
4. Observe nonverbal clues
5. Takes good notes

An evaluation of a speech should be primarily based on

how well speaker meets specific criteria

You can identify potential subject areas for your speech by listing those areas that

you are interested in/know something about

the study of the intended audience for your speech is

audience analysis

age, gender, and race are examples of ________ information


I want my audience to learn about the life of Hugh Jackman," is an example of what type of goal?


Audience adaptation is the process of _____________

customizing a speech for needs of audience

Smiling and establishing eye contact are ways to display


To verify a factual statement, a speaker should

check against different source on same subject

An ethical speaker will cite his or her sources

every time you use it

What is the purpose of a thesis statement in a speech?

One two sentence summary of speech genereal and specif goal, and preview of main points

A thesis statement acts a s a transition from the _____ to the ______ of your speech

intro, body

When the same sentence structure or introductory words are used, it is called _____ structure


Previewing main points in the thesis statement, stating each main point clearly and providing transitions will help the audience to

follow your speech

what is, at minimum, the purpose of an introduction?

gain audience's attention

the easiest, appropriate way to end a speech is to

recap main points

the last item on the speech outline is

source list

why is it important to limit the number of visual aids?

distracting if too many

For greatest emphasis of a visual aid,

talk about it as audience sees it

why should you avoid passing objects around the audience during a speech?

Can provide a distraction

A word's direct, explicit meaning...


_____________ is the feeling associated with a word


____________ means using the language that adapts to the needs, interests, knowledge, and attitudes of the listeners, and avoiding language that alienates the audience

inclusive language


using tongue, palate, teeth, jaw movement, and lips o shape vocalized sounds that combine to produce a word

speaking with no changes in pitch, rate or volume is described as speaking in a


having eye contact means

looking directly at the people to whom you are speaking

the best notes for a speech consist of ___________ that help trigger your thoughts


an ____________ speech is one that is prepared and practiced, but the exact wording is determined at the time of utterance.


An ___________ speech describes facts, truths, and principles in a way that stimulates interest and increases and facilitates understanding


the specific goal in a persuasive speech is usually stated as


A proposition of _____________ is a statement designed to convince your audience that something is or is not true, exists, or happens


a proposition of ________________ is a statement designed to convince your audience that something is good, bad, desirable, sound, beneficial, important, or unimportant


a _______________ is designed to convince your audience that they should take a specific course of action


using the mental processes of drawing inferences from factual information, providing arguments for your audience to consider is called


3 characteristics of an ethical speech are:


a speech of ___________ expresses pleasure for the presence of a person or an organization


a speech familiarizes the audience with biographical information that establishes the credibility of the person being presented is called a


a speech that acknowledges someone and usually presents an award, prize, or a gift to the individual or a representative of a group is called a


a speech given to acknowledge receipt of an honor or award is called an


a speech offered at the start of a recepiton or meal that pays tribute to the occasion or to a person is called a


a speech that praises someone's life and accomplishments is called a


a ____________ is a tribute speech given at the memorial or funeral for a person who has died


a speech that recognizes graduation is called a _____________ address


a speech that begins a conference or a convention is called a ____________ address


a speech presented to celebrate national holidays or anniversaries of important dates or events is called a


why should speakers be wary of info on the internet?

no regulation for internet