The Art of Public Speaking Ch. 19

What is a small group? What is a problem-solving group?

A small group is from 3-8/12 and its important that the group allows free discussion among all members. All participants must be speakers and listeners.
A problem-solving group is to solve problems.

What are the 4 kinds of leadership that may occur in a small group? Explain the 3 kinds of needs fulfilled by leadership in a small group.

1. No specific (Equal influence)
2. Implied (rank, expertise)
3. Emergent (Comes up during meeting)
4. Designated (Elected or appointed)
Three needs;
1. Procedural "Housekeeping"
2. Task "Substantive"
3. Maintenance "Interpersonal relations

What are the five major responsibilities of every participant in a small group?

1. Commit yourself to goals of the group.
2. Fulfill Individual assignments
3. Avoid interpersonal conflicts
4. Encourage full participation
5. Keep discussion on track

What are the stages of the reflective-thinking method? Explain the major tasks of a group at each stage.

1. Define the problem (1. phrase into a question; 2. make answers open ended)
2. Analyze the problem (1. How severe is the problem; 2. what are the causes)
3. Establish criteria for solutions (1. Establish standards of fixing problem)
4. Generate potentia

What are the 3 methods for presenting orally the recommendations of a problem-solving group?

1. Oral Report
2. Symposium
3. Panel Discussion


A group of 2 people

Small group

A collection of 3-8/12 who come together for a specific purpose.

Problem-solving small group

A small group formed to solve a particular problem


The ability to influence group members so as to help achieve the goals of the group.

Implied leader

A group member to whom other members defer because of rank, expertise, or other quality.

Emergent leader

A group member who emerges during the groups deliberations.

Designated leader

A person who is elected or appointed as leader when the group is formed.

Procedural needs

Routine "housekeeping" actions necessary for the efficient conduct of business in a small group.

Task needs

Substantive actions necessary to help a small group complete its assigned task.

Maintenance needs

Communicative actions necessary to maintain interpersonal relations in a small group.

Hidden agenda

A set of unstated individual goals that may conflict with the goals of the group as a whole.

Reflective-thinking method

A 5 step method for directing discussion in a problem-solving small group.

Question of policy

A question about whether a specific course of action should or should not be taken.


Standards on which a judgement or decision can be based.


A method of generating ideas by free association of words and thoughts.


A group decision that is acceptable to all members of the group.

Oral report

A speech presenting the findings, conclusions, or decisions of a small group.


A public presentation in which several people present prepared speeches on different aspects of the same topic.

Panal discussion

A structured conversation on a given topic among several people in front of an audience.