The Art of Public Speaking CH12-RQ

How does language help create our sense of reality?

It gives meaning to events. Words used to label a event makes a difference on how we respond to it.

What is the difference between denotative and connotative meaning?

Denotative= Dictionary
Connotative= Emotions triggered

How might you use denotative/connotative to convey your message most effectively?

Use Denotative style if trying to stay informative.
Use Connotative style if trying to persuade.

4 criteria for using language effectively for speeches.

1. Accurately
2. Clearly
3. Vividly
4. Appropriately

3 Things you should do to use language clearly for speeches.

1. Use familiar words
2. Choose concrete words
3. Eliminate clutter

2 ways to bring your speeches to life with vivid, animated language.

1. Imagery
2. Rhythm

Why is it important to use inclusive language?

Because audiences expect public speakers to be mindful of different groups that make up our american society.

What 4 usages of inclusive language have become so widely accepted that no speaker can afford to ignore them?

1. Avoid the generic "He"
2. Avoid the use of "Man" when describing Men and Woman
3. Avoid stereotyping jobs and social roles by gender
4. Use names that groups use to identify themselves