Public Speaking Chapter 12


Precise, literal, objective


Feelings, associations, emotions

Using Words

1.Use Familiar words
2.Write/ speak: precise and accurate
3. Use language vividly
4. Use rhythm of language
5. Use language appropriately
6. Inclusive Language


Concrete: Specific (Red Sox in World Series)
Abstract: Baseball in general
Clutter: Extra/un-needed language

Use language vividly

Imagery: Creating word pictures. Pictures in your head out of words to make ideas come alive
Simile: Comparisons ('like' or 'as')
Metaphor: comparison something different that usually have something in common, not using like or as

Use rhythm of language

Parallelism: similar arrangements of words or phrases
I speak as a republican. I speak as a woman. I speak as a united states senator. I speak as an American. (MCS)
Repetition: Beginning or end of sentence
If not now, when? If not us, who? If not together

Use language appropriately

Appropriate to the occasion
Appropriate to the audience - keep it simple
Appropriate to the topic
Appropriate to the speaker

Inclusive Language

Avoid using the generic "he"
Avoid sexism- using "man" when referring to both males and females
Avoid stereotyping
Use names groups identify with


words that are used in the same sentence that create a contrast. EXAMPLE: ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.