Public Speaking

Skills in public speaking are same skills used in everyday conversation

1. organizing your thoughts logically
2. tailoring your message to your audience
3. telling a story for maximum impact
4. adapting to listener feedback

Define stage fright?

Anxiety over the prospect of giving a speech in front of an audience.

What is a person's greatest fear?

Public speaking

6 Ways of dealing with nervousness

1. acquire speaking experience
2. prepare, prepare, prepare
3. think positively
4. use the power of visualization
5. know that most nervousness is not visible
6. don't expect perfection

Define message?

Whatever a speaker communicates to someone else.

Define channel?

The means by which a message is communicated.
-The speech is carried to the nation by the channels of radio and television.

Define frame of reference?

The sum of a person's knowledge experience, goals, values and attitudes. No two people can have exactly the same frame of reference.

Everything a speaker says is filtered through a listener's frame of reference-

the total of his or her knowledge, experience, goals values and attitudes.

The meaning of a message will never be exactly the same to a -

listener to a speaker.

Define feedback?

The messages usually nonverbal, sent from a listener to a speaker.
-They send back messages of their own.

Examples of feedback

You're giving your speech & someone has puzzled look on his/her face, you know you need to go back over the point.

Define interference?

anything that impedes the communication of a message. Interference can be external or internal to listeners.

Example of interference

someone coughing in the audience so you can't hear the speaker.

What does listen and silent have in common?

have the same letters.

Guidelines for Ethical speaking

1. Make sure your goals are ethically sound
2. be fully prepared for each speech
3. be honest in what you say
4. avoid name-calling and other forms of abusive language
5. put ethical principles into practice

Define name-calling.

the use of language to defame, demean, or degrade individuals or groups.

Define plagiarism

presenting another person's language or ideas as one's own.

Define global plagiarism

Stealing a speech entirely from a single source and passing it off as one's own.

Define incremental plagiarism.

It occurs when the speaker fails to give credit for particular parts-increments-of the speech that are borrowed from other people. The most important of these increments are quotations and paraphrases.

Guidelines for ethical listening.

Listeners also have ethical obligations
1. to listen courteously and attentively
2. to avoid prejudging the speaker
3. to maintain the free and open expression of ideas.

Listening -

even when we think we are listening carefully we usually grasp only 50 percent of what we hear.

Listening is important

When business managers are asked to rank-order the communication skills most crucial to their jobs, they usually rank listening number one.

Identify four kinds of listening.

1. appreciate listening - listening for pleasure or enjoyment ex. music, comedy
2. empathic listening - listening to provide emotional support for the speaker ex. psychiatrist to patient
3. comprehensive listening-listening to understand the message of a

Poor listening

we talk at a rate of 120 to 150 words a minute, the brain can process 400 to 800 words a minute.

Listen for evidence is it -

1. accurate
2. objective sources
3. relevant to the speaker's claim
4. sufficient to support the speaker's point

Along with choosing a topic, you need to determine the general purpose of your speech.

usually it will fall into one of two overlapping categories
1. inform
2. persuade

When your general purpose is to inform -

you act as a teacher or lecturer.
-to give them information they did not have before.

When your general purpose is to persuade -

you act as an advocate.
-you want to change or structure the attitudes or actions of your audience
-you try to convince your listeners
-but give information but your primary goal is to win over your listeners to your point of view
-to get them to believe

Persuasive speeches

-are more emotional
-you are selling an idea or product

Topics for informative speeches

1. career
2. major
3. religion
4. politics
5. medical conditions
or anything you want to know more about

Demonstration speech is a type of informative speech.

-speeches where you talk and use your body or hands at the same time. ex. sports, dance, cooking

Major speeches

Persuasive - 5 references
Informative - 5 references (demonstration type of informative - last speech)

Steps of developing a speech - specific purpose

1. choose a topic
2. choose a general purpose (inform, persuade, demonstrate)
3. determine specific purpose

Audience analysis

is an important factor in selecting a topic, organizing a speech, and choosing supporting material.

What do people want to hear?

very simply, they usually want to hear about things that are meaningful to them.

Demographic audience analysis.

one of the ways speakers analyze audiences is by looking at demographic traits as age, gender, religion, sex orientation, ethnic,
1. identifying the general demographic features of your audience
2. gauging the importance of those features to a particular

Situational audience analysis

-usually builds on the demographic analysis
-the larger the audience, the more formal your presentation needs to be.

Once you have the topic, you must consider in more detail the audience's -

1. interest in the topic
2. knowledge about it
3. attitudes toward it

Good speakers are audience-centered -

they know that the aim of speech making is to gain a desired response from listeners.

General all purpose databases

cover a wide rage of periodicals & subjects, academic journals & technical publications
-ProQuest Research Library-general interest
-Academic Search - popular & scholarly
-Reader's Guide Full Text - general interest
-Lexis/Nexis Academic Universe - legal,

Application example on test

Doing a persuasive speech on Parkinson's disease & want to find recent articles published in general interest periodicals & academic journals.
THE BEST RESOURCE TO USE - ProQuest & Lexis Nexis

Search engines help you find what's on the internet -

but they don't evaluate the quality of the sources they retrieve.

Virtual libraries -

-are also valuable because they can help you locate higher quality materials that are overlooked by even the most thorough of search engines.
-these materials are part of what is called the invisible web- millions of databases & other resources that, beca

Statistical Abstract of US-numerical data about life in US
ex. you want to know the number of people in the US who die from accidental drowning

Criteria used to evaluate soundness of documents (not jewels & junk as in book) found on internet:

1. authorship
2. sponsorship
3. regency

Define brief example

a specific case referred to in passing to illustrate a point.

Define extended example

a story, narrative, or anecdote developed at some length to illustrate a point.

Define hypothetical example

an example that describes an imaginary or fictitious situation.

Citing Internet Sources

-When citing internet sources, include the same information you provide for print works
*date of publication
*organization responsible for the document if the name is not known.

To find information about author -

try to determine the organization for the document.

As you put your speeches together, you'll need to make sure your supporting materials are -

1. accurate
2. relevant
3. reliable

Tips for using examples

1. use examples to clarity ideas
2. use examples to reinforce your ideas
3. to personalize your ideas
4. make examples vivid & richly textured
5. practice delivery to enhance your extended examples

Website for statistical abstract of the US
-use statistics sparingly to give them greater impact
-always write phone numbers for audience to see during speech

The point is that there is usually more to statistics than meets the eye. When you track down statistics for your speeches, be sure to evaluate them in light of the following questions.

1. are the statistics representative?
2. use statistics sparely
3. identify the sources of your statistics
4. explain your statistics
5. round off complicated statistics
6. use visual aids to clarify statistical trends

Define expert testimony

testimony from people who are recognized experts in their fields

Know 2 kinds of testimony & examples

Example of Expert Testimony- testimony from people who are recognized experts in their field
Example of Peer Testimony- any member of your family or friends (aunt, uncle, brother, sister, cousin, etc)

Define peer testimony

testimony from ordinary people with firsthand experience or insight on a topic.

chronological order

a method of speech organization in which the main points follow a time pattern.

Most speeches will contain how many points?

2 or 3

spatial order

a method of speech organization in which the main points follow a directional pattern
-The main points proceed from top to bottom, left to right, front to back, inside to outside, east to west, or some other route.

Define supporting materials

materials used to support a speakers ideas.
3 major kinds
- examples
- statistics
- testimony

Define transition

a word or phrase that indicates when a speaker has finished one thought and is moving on to another.

The introduction has four objectives

1. get the attention and interest of your audience
2. reveal the topic of your speech
3. establish your credibility and good will
4. preview the body of the speech

Tips for conclusion

1. keep an eye out for possible concluding materials as you research and develop the speech
2. don't be long winded. The conclusion will normally make up no more than 5 to 10 percent of your speech

Gaining attention and interest can be done in several ways.

1. show the importance of your topic - relates to the audience
2. startle the or question your audience - arouse curiosity
3. begin with a quotation or a story

By outlining you can

1. judge whether each part of the speech is fully developed
2. adequate supporting materials for your main points
3. the main points are properly balanced
4. ideas flow from one to another - the structure of your speech will stand up and not collapse.

Define preparation outline

a detailed outline developed during the process of speech preparation that includes the title, specific purpose, central idea, introduction, main points, subpoints, connectives, conclusion, and bibliography of a speech.

By outlining

1. you make sure that related ideas are together
2. your thoughts flow from one to another
3. and structure of the speech is coherent