Public Speech

Public Speaking Apprehension

level of fear a person experiences when anticipating or actually speaking to an audience

Anticipation Phase

anxiety before speech

Confrontation Phase

anxiety during speech: first minute of speech

Adaptation Phase

when anxiety gradually decreases (2-5 min)

Causes of Pub. Speaking Apprehension

experience, level of skills, biologically based temperament

Managing PS Apprehension

5 methods: communication orientation motivation, visualization (thinking positively), relaxation excersizes, systematic desensitization, cognitive restructuring

Relaxation Techniques

abdominal breathing, sighing

Managing PS Apprehension

1. Allow time to prepare
2. use presentational aids such as flash cards
3. practice speech aloud
4. dress up ( feel more confident)
5. choose appropriate time to speak
6. use positive self talk
7. face audience with confidence
8. focus on sharing your message

Steps to effective speech planning


Liberal art

a body of general knowledge needed to effectively participate in a democratic society

Civic rights

essential conditions for individuals to live happy and successful lives


the process of creating shared meaning


the individuals who assume the roles of senders and receivers during an interaction


participants who form and transmit messages using verbal symbols and nonverbal behaviors


participants who interpret the messages sent by others


verbal utterances, visual images, and nonverbal behaviors to which meaning is attributed during communication


the process of putting our thoughts and feelings into words and nonverbal behaviors


the process of interpreting the verbal and nonverbal messages sent by others


the reactions and responses to messages that indicate to the sender whether and how a message was heard, seen, and interpreted


both the route traveled by a message and the means of transportation

Mediated channels

channels enhanced by audiovisual technology

Virtual presence

simulated presence made possible through the use of digital technology


any stimulus that interferes with the process of achieving shared meaning

Communication context

the environment in which communications occurs

Intrapersonal communication

communicating with yourself (self talk)

Interpersonal communication

communication between two people

Small group communication

the interaction that occurs in a group of approximately three to ten ppl

Public communication

communication that occurs among more than ten people where one message is presented to the participants who function as receivers whose own messages are limited to feedback

Mass communication

communication produced and transmitted via media to large audiences

Rhetorical Situation

the composite of the occasion, speaker, and the audience that influences the speech that is given


some real or perceived need that a speech might help address

Listener-relevance links

statements informing listeners of how and why they should be interested in or care about an idea


appeal to emotions of audience


logic reasoning



Systematic Desensitization

method that reduces apprehension by gradually visualizing oneself in and performing increasingly more frightening events while remaining in a relaxed state

Cognitive Restructuring

the systematic process of replacing anxiety arousing negative self talk with anxiety reducing self talk