Chapter 17 Public Speaking

4 reasons people are persuaded by a speaker


Audience Perceives the speaker as having high


Audience is won over by speakers


Audience is convinced by the speakers


Audience's reactions of being touched by the speakers ideas and language

audiences emotions


source credibility. the named used by Aristotle for what modern students of communication refer to as credibilty


the audiences perception of weather a speaker is qualified to speak on a given topic

two factors of influencing credibility



how an audience regards a speakers intelligence, expertise, and knowledge of the subject


how an audience regards a speakers intelligence, expertise, and knowledge of a subject

Credibility is an attitude that exists in the mind of the audience not

the speaker

3 types of credibility


Initial Credibility

credibility of the speaker before they start to speak

Derived Credibility

credibility of the speaker produced by everything he or she says or does during the speech itself

Terminal Credibility

credibility of the speaker at the end of the speech

3 ways to enhance credibility

-explain competence
-establish common ground with the audience

Explain Competence

advertise your expertise on the speech topic

establish common ground with the audience

respect the listeners, don't assault what others think


deliver the speech fluently, expressively, and with conviction


is vital

Most important way to strengthen credibility

deliver speeches with conviction


supporting materials used to prove or disprove something

3 tips for using evidence

-specific evidence
-novel evidence
-credible sources evidence

Specific evidence

more persuasive if stated in specifics rather than general terms

Novel Evidence

more likely to be persuasive if information is new to the audience

Credible sources evidence

research shows that listeners find evidence from competent credible sources more persuasive


-name used by Aristotle for logical appeal

two major elements of logos



the process of drawing a conclusion off the basis of evidence

2 major concerns of reasoning

-make sure your own reasoning is sound
-try to get listeners to agree

4 methods for reasoning

-reasoning from specific instances
-reasoning from principle
-causal reasoning
-analogical reasoning


emotional appeals

3 ways to generate emotional appeals

-Use Emotional language
-develop vivid examples
-deliver with sincerity and conviction

One key to using emotional appeals ethically is to make sure it is appropriate to the speech topic and

-especially useful in the questions of public speeches
-usually inappropriate in persuasive speeches on questions of facts

Never substitute

emotional appeals for evidence or reasoning