Public Speaking

Ethical decisions are an important part of public speaking because

public speaking is a form of power and it can be abused


is an ethical issue, same as stealing

Being an ethical speaker means

answering the "Yes" to all the guidelines for ethical speaking

In order to avoid plagarism when using an internet source to research your speech you should record

1. the title of the Internet document 2. the author or organization responsible for the document 3. the date on which the document was last updated

Your first responsibility as a speaker is to

ask yourself whether your speech goals are ethically sound

Good listeners

assess evidence and reasoning and elevate what they hear.

Which of the following are characteristics of plagarism

presenting ideas from other sources as your own and using wording from other sources as your own.

You should avoid based or abusive language in public speaking because it

DEFAMES, DEMEANS, AND DEMORALIZES, reinforces prejudical attitutudes, can stereotype

Global plagarism is defined as

using speech material entirely from one source and passing it off as your own work

When you restate words and ideas that someone has written on the Internet, and you do not give credit to that person, it is

a breach of ethics because the core idea structure, and some of the words are still not your own and they should be attributed.

Eample of incremental plagarism include using

the exact words of others as your own and rephrasing the words of others without crediting the source

A speaker is expected to behave ethically

all the time

a listener has a responsibility to encourgage the speaker by

1. showing support with appropriate facial expressions 2. sitting in a attentive posture 3. maintaining consistent eye contact with speaker

Patchwork plagarism occurs when

ties together words and ideas from several source without citations

Being thoroughly informed about the subject matter is an ethical consideration for all speakers.Thorough researching a topic means

1. making sure that the facts are stated accurately 2. researching both sides of an issue 3. acknowledge opposing viewpoints

Listening ethically means

1. focusing your attention on the speaker 2. keeping an open mind to controversal ideas 3. using good manners during the speech.

Presenting words or ideas as your own is a violation of the ethical value of


Although all speakers have the right to be hard, which of the following are not protected under the law?

1. speeches that contain falsehoods that destroy a persons reputation 2. threats against the life of the President of The united states of the U.S. 3. speeches that invite an audience to illegal actions

Manipulating statistics in making a speech is a

subtle form of dishonesty, that is unethical

The practice of name calling in public speaking is

1. protected as free speech under the Bill of Rights 2. Harmful to society 3. generally unethical

Speech goals and values may differ legitmatly from person to person. What is the public speakers responsibility in assessing a speech topic for a given situation

ask as many questions about the topic and audience as possibly

Connecting several sources together without giving credit to the source is called

patchwork plagarism

Active listening

gives the speaker their undivided attention, do not prejudge the speaker, do not allow themselves to be distracted

When business managers are asked to rank the communication skills that are most crucial to their jobs, which do they usually rank as number one


Focusing on a persons unique accent or manner of speaking can cause a listner to

judge the speakers message unfairly, lose the point of the message, judge the speakers intellect


A person can never listen too hard to the info contained in a speakers message

Concentration takes special effort when listening

spare brain time allows us to think apart other things. We talk more slowly than we think. Concentrating is physically demanding

Which of the following demonstrate jumping to conclusions when listening

putting words in the speakers mouth. Deciding that a speakers topic is not worth listening too. Deciding that a speech will be boring based on the title

Its difficult to resist distractions while listening because

we think so much faster than a speaker can talk

Which of the following concern the idea of suspending judgement when listening?

examining the speakers evidence, assessing the speakers reasoning, trying to understand the speakers idea

The keyword outline method of note taking

focuses on main points and supporting evidence

Effective listening requires that you ask which of the following about a speakers evidence

is true enough,, is it relevent, is it accurate, is it objective


critcal thinking

It is easy to let your thoughts wander when listening because

concentrating is a difficult skill to master, you can process words much faster than they are spoken

One of the major sources of human interference in the speech communication process

is focusing on a speakers delivery and person appearance

Suspending judement while listening means considering things we dont agree with


While developing your speech you should frame your topic creatively because it will help you

maintain audience interest

The introduction of a speech serves to

reveal the topic and purpose, preview main points, generate interest in the topic

The anxiety you may feel when you anticipate speaking publicly can be reduced by

giving more speeches

Which of the following are associated with effective extemperaneous speaking

using brief notes cards, knowing the subject very well, preparing a thorough outline, speaking conversationally

Practicing a speech out loud is necessary because

you cannot master your words choich by looking at your notes slightly, otherwise, you will not be able to time your speech accurately

A speaker gestures, eye contact, and other forms of body language help them

establish a personal connection with the audience

Which of the following methods of speech delivery do experts in public speaking recommend that novice speakers use for the classroom speeches


Careful speeches developed involves

being sensitive to time limits, narrowing the topic

Structuring the body of a speech means paying attention to

the number of main points, the organizational format of main points, the transitional statements between main points

Effective speech preparation involves

rehearsing, organizing main ideas, developing the topic

An effective method to use when rehearsing an extemperaneous speech is

to concentrate on gaining control of ideas

For effective speech delivery the speaker should pay attention to

projecting confidence, the rate of speaking, voice volume

Experts in public speaking recommend that novice speakers use the extemperneous form of delivery for their speeches because

it combines careful preparation with conversational style

Speakers deal with nervousness by

thinking positively. tigthening and relaxing muscles, preparing thoroughly.