Chapter 13 Using Visual Aids-Public Speaking

stage fright, audience interest, attention, confidence

Visual aids can help control ______________ ___________. Heighten ___________ ____________, shift _____________ away from the speaker, and give the speaker greater _______________ in the presentation as a whole.


Kind of Visual Aid: Excellent way to clarify your ideas and give them dramatic impact. Some are too big, small, or not available to you.


Kind of Visual Aid: An object, usually built to scale, that represents another object in detail.


Kind of Visual Aid: They will not work effectively unless they are large enough for the audiene to view without straining.


Kind of Visual Aid: Diagrams, sketches, and other kinds are inexpensive to make and can be designed to illustrate your points exactly. Allows the speaker to translate comples ideas into visual terms the audience could grasp immediately.


Kind of Visual Aid: To show statistical trends and patterns.

line graph

Most common type of graph to show statistical trends. A graph that uses one or more lines to show changes in statistics over time or space.

Pie graph

Graph best suited for illustrating simple distribution patterns. This graph is used to dramatize relationships among the parts of a whole, keep the number of different segments as small as possible. Should have 2 to 5 segments, never over 8.

Bar graph

A graph that uses vertical or horizontal bars to show comparisons among two or more items. Advantage of being easy to understand, even by people who have no background in reading graphs.


Kind of Visual Aid: Summarizes a large block of information, usually in list form. Valuable for showing the steps of a process.

clear, simple, uncluttered

Visual aids should be _____________, _____________, and _______________.


Type of Visual Aid: Drawn, written, or printed on a sheet of clear acetate and shown with an overhead projector. Make sure letters and numbers are at least one-third inch high (about 4 times of this print).


Type of Visual Aid: Detail, immediacy, and vividness are hard to match. Adding this can cause damage if not done carefully and expertly. 1st make sure clip is not too long, 30 second is good. 2nd mase sure clip is cued to start exactly where you want it.

Multimedia Presentations

Type of Visual Aid: A speech that combines several kinds of visual and or audio aids in the same speech. Most widely used software is Microsoft PowerPoint.

The Speaker

Type of Visual Aid: The use of the body to demonstrate a speech. Such a speech requires careful practice to coordinate the speaker's actions and words while maintaining eye contact with the audience.

Guidelines for Preparing Visual Aids

1. Prepare in Advance 2. Keep simple 3. Make sure large enough 4. Fonts that are easy to read 5. Use limited number of fonts. 6. Use color effectively 7. Avoid using chalkboard 8. Display wear listeners can see them 9. Avoid passing among the audience 9.