Science chapter 14 notes

What is earths history divided into time units that make up a geologic time scale.

geologic time

What is the longest time period, based on fossils?


What is the second longest time period, marked by worldwide changes in the types of fossils in rock?


What is the third longest period of time, based on types of life existing worldwide at a particular time


What is a period of time characterized by DIFFERENCES IN LIFE FORMS but differences can be regional rather than global


Geologic time can be subdivided only if ______________________ are present in ______________________ records.

fossil: rocks

______________________ evolution is how organisms have ______________________ over time, most likely because of ______________________ changes.

organic, changed, environmental

______________________ theory of ______________________ states that organisms more adapted to an environment are more likely to ______________________.

Darwin's, natural selection, reproduce

______________________ selection within a species occurs only if ______________________ present in some numbers increase their ______________________

natural characteristics, survival

______________________ selections is the ______________________ of individuals with ______________________ characteristics; humans use this type of selection when breeding ______________________ animals.

Artificial, breeding, desired, domestic

New species can ______________________ from natural selection.


______________________ have an exoskeleton with ______________________ lobed and lived in oceans for more than ______________________ million years.

trilobites, 3, 200

Trilobites ______________________ position changed as the species adapted to various environments.


Trilobite bodies and tail changed in response to changing ______________________.


______________________ collisions formed the giant landmass ______________________ near the end of the Paleozoic Era. These collisions may have ______________________ sea levels, causing the ______________________ of trilobites.

continental, Pangaea, dropped, extinction

Precambrian time is The ______________________ part of Earth's history.


______________________ appeared toward the end of this time.


Late in this time a group of animals with shapes similar to modern ______________________, ______________________, and ______________________ lived. Fossils of these organisms were first found in ______________________.

jellyfish, worms, soft coral, australia

Very ______________________ fossils remain from this time.


Many Precambrian rocks were ______________________ buried, causing the fossils in them to be ______________________ by heat and pressure.

deeply, changed

Most Precambrian organisms ______________________ hard parts.


______________________ are classified as blue-green algae.


They were one of the ______________________ life forms to appear, appearing about ______________________.

earliest, 3.5 billion years ago

They added ______________________ to the atmosphere through
_____________________. Because of this the ______________________ layer in the atmosphere began to develop, shielding Earth from ______________________ rays. It is thought that these changes allo

oxygen, photosynthesis, ozone, ultra violet, complex

______________________ appeared late in Precambrian time.


An abundance of organisms with ______________________, such as ______________________, marks the beginning of this era.

Hard parts, shells

Most lifeforms of this era lived in the ______________________.


______________________ also evolved during this time. The first vertebrates were ______________________ creatures with jaws. Some of these fish were so huge that they could eat large sharks with their powerful jaws.

vertebrates, fishlike

During this time, ______________________ appeared and ______________________ began to adapt to land environments.

forest, vertebrates

Paleontologists know that many ancient fish had ______________________ as well as ______________________. Lungs enable these fish to live in water with low oxygen levels- when needed they could swim to the surface and breathe air.

lungs, gills

One kind of ancient fish had lungs and ______________________ fins, which were used to swim and crawl around on the bottom. Scientists hypothesize that ______________________ might have evolved from this kind of fish.

leg like, amphibians

The ______________________ Mountains formed during this time.


At the end of this era, about ______________________ of all marine species and ______________________ of all land species died off due to changes in ______________________ and a lowering of ______________________.

85%, 70%, climate, sea level

Mesozoic era Called the era of ______________________ life.


______________________ lived during this time. Scientists have studied the ______________________ to calculate how fast these animals ______________________ or ______________________.

Dinosaurs, fossil footprints, walked, run

Studies also show that dinosaurs might have been ______________________.

warm blooded

Fossil records also indicates that some dinosaurs ______________________ their young and ______________________ in herds.

nurtured, traveled

At the beginning of this time all the continents were joined as ______________________; then the continents ______________________ broke apart and formed the continents we know today.

Pangaea, slowly

______________________ were the most abundant animals on land.


______________________ also appeared during this time and scientists think they evolved from ______________________, ______________________ dinosaurs.

Birds, small, meat eating

The earliest birds had ______________________ and ______________________, but it is not a direct ______________________ of today's birds because of other features not shared.

wings, feathers, ancestors

the earliest mammals were small, ______________________ creatures; they were warm-blooded vertebrates that had hair or fur covering their bodies. The females produced milk for their young. These characteristics enabled mammals to survive in many changing

mouse like

______________________ dominated the land. Gymnosperms are plants that produce ______________________ but not ______________________.

Gymnosperms, seeds, flowers

______________________, or flowering plants, evolved at the end of the era and are the most ______________________ and abundant land plants today.

Angiosperms, diverse

ended about 65 million years ago with a major ______________________ of land and ______________________ species. Paleontologist hypothesize that a comet or asteroid ______________________ with earth causing a huge cloud of dust and smoke to rise into the

extinction, marine, collided, blocking

Began about ______________________ years ago and continues today.

65 million

Many ______________________ ranges formed, perhaps creating cooler climates worldwide and creating the ______________________.

mountain, ice ages

______________________ continued to evolve.


Many species became ______________________ as the continents continued to separate.


Evidence of this can be seen today in Australia's marsupials. ______________________ are mammals such as kangaroos, koalas, and wombats that carry their young in a pouch.


______________________, or humans, appeared about ______________________ years ago.

homo sapiens, 400,000

Some people suggest that the appearance of humans could have led to the ______________________ of many other mammals.
