DMP Final

what is the best way to determine if a calf is dehydrated?

skin tent

the best management for retained fetal membranes is to do what?

place cow or heifer on antibiotics

trichomoniasis is spread through?

breeding act

what are the clinical signs of navel infection?

painful navel

death from neonatal scours is due to what?


what is the common sequel to navel infection?

joint infection/ill

age of bulls that can be trichomoniasis carriers?

all ages of bulls can be carriers

a reasonable goal-time for when a calf should receive colostrum after birth is within?

2 hours

what is the best diagnosis for hypothermia?

rectal temp. below 100�F

when vaccinating a pregnant cow or heifer you are boosting the antibody levels in?


if the foot and next large joint move (flex) in the SAME direction this is likely?

a front leg

oral electrolytes are important when treating calves with neonatal diarrhea, what is a concern when feeding electrolytes for several days in a calf not nursing its mother?

electrolytes contain low levels of energy

you notice a calf that is a few days old is "wobbly" or stumbles when it gets up, what are some health issues you would think about?


what is the cause of contracted tendons?

limited uterine space

explain how would one prevent "hip-lock" when intervening in a dystocia in a heifer.

rotate the calf 90-180� when the feet and head completely clear the vulva

if scours are occurring in calves less than 5 days of age, the likely associated organism is?

E. Coli

peak fetal loss due to trichomoniasis is?

50-70 days of gestation

of the two commercial colostrum products listed below, which "type" would you use?

replacer, rather than supplement

if scours is occurring in a large percentage of calves less that 5 days of age, the best way to prevent further cases would be?

clean up calving area or move to new calving area

if you saw water bag/calf-feet protruding from a COW at this moment, how long would you wait to examine her if no progress was observed?

30 minutes

what is failure of passive transfer?

calf does not receive and absorb antibodies in the colostrum

during calving season, in relation to neonatal diarrhea, what two things are you trying to balance?

colostrum protection and environmental sanitation

if you see the bottom of the feet of an unborn calf pointing upwards away from the dam's feet, what is the calf's likely position?

backwards, upside down & frontwards, correct side up

IN THE CORRECT ORDER, after intervening in a successful dystocia, what 4 things are you going to perform?

check calf for breathing, dip navel, check for another calf, drench/feed colostrum

if you CAN feel the esophageal (drenching) tube in the neck of a calf, you are in the correct location for drenching/tubing.


the first thing you should do if your herd is diagnosed with trichomoniasis is?

notify any neighbor who you pastured next to

the most fluid you would drench/tube a calf with at any one time is?

2 quarts

how much and how many times in a day would you administer electrolytes to a calf with a 2 second skin tent?

2 qts. 3 times a day

if you first noticed a HEIFER was in the second stage of labor, how long would you wait to examine her if no progress was observed?

1 hour

hanging a calf upside down is an effective way to remove fluid from the lungs


ideal calving body condition scores at calving are in the range?


what 2 zoonotic organisms can be present in scouring calf feces?

1. crypto
2. salmonella

a calf found coming tail-first is in what position?


#1 risk factor for neonatal scours is?

failure of passive transfer

the risk factor(s) for a calf to experience failure of passive transfer is?


the proper position the calf should be in when administering oral fluids is?

laying on their sternum or standing

the major risk factors for calving paralysis is?


removing a scouring calf from its mother for a short period of time is an important part of scour treatment.


one management disease prevention technique that both positive and negative Trich herds should follow is?

practice strict biosecurity

administering an antibiotic to a scouring calf should be part of the scour treatment program.


a risk factor for uterine prolapse?


if you are attempting to change the position of a dystocia-calf and you are not successful after how many minutes should you call for assistance?

15 minutes

female infected with trichomonas fetus can develop immunity to the organism.


a calf born and it walks on the very tips of its toes and not the soles of its feet, how would you manage this?

apply splints to legs

the best thing to do after discovery of a uterine prolapse is to transport the cow or heifer to nearest vet clinic.


what is the easiest way to determine if you are administering enough fluids to a dehydrated calf?

if they are producing normal amounts of urine

list 4 risk factors for blue-green algae blooms


if you find blue-green algae bloom at one end of a pond in a pasture where your cattle are located, what is one immediate intervention you could do to allow the animals to continue to drink from this pond?

fence off that area of the pond - forcing cattle to drink at the other end

if your dog is covered with blue-green algae while swimming in a pond, what 2 things would you do?


briefly explain "herd immunity

minimizing disease impact with high proportion of immune animals. the immune animals protect the susceptible ones.

explain how a modified live vaccine "works" in an animal

bacteria and viruses are alive when injected into animal. immunity comes from exposure to the live organisms. the strain does not "cause disease" , but stimulates immunity.

explain how a killed vaccine "works" in an animal

bacteria and viruses that are not alive. immunity comes from exposure to microbes and adjuvants but no growth of microbes within the body occurs.

list advantages for both ML and killed vaccines

Modified Live
- 1 dose is usually sufficient
- more rapid protection
- less likely to cause bumps
- less expensive
- no shedding between animals
- more stable in storage
- no mixing required
- can stimulate immune system in face of colostrum derive

what is one major advantage of an intranasal vaccine?

it is fast acting

give an example of a vaccine administered at the improper time

the animal has already incubated the disease when vaccine was given

give an example of a vaccine administered inappropriately

vaccine was given intramuscle instead of subcutaneously

what is a major way that vaccines may be inappropriately handled

use needle to refill vaccine gun

what are 2 examples of why a calf would not respond to a vaccination

- just the way it is (biological variation)
- if it is given more than one vaccine, it can't give equal immunity to both

most vaccines carry the USDA label claim

aids in disease prevention

which prolapse type will always occur every year?

vaginal prolapse

which type of prolapse will never occur every year?

uterine prolapse

what are 2 reasons why PEM tends to occur in late gestation


a breeding soundness exam is best at identifying what type of bull?


why is it important for a penis to be evaluated during a breeding soundness exam?

because there could be a problem that can't be seen unless evaluated; penile warts, prepuce laceration, etc.

why is it important to provide adequate bedding and protection from the wind during winter for your herd bulls?

to prevent frostbite

what are the 3 parts/tests of breeding soundness exams?


what are the 3 verdicts for the breeding soundness exam?


you have a standing field of sorghum-sudan that is moderately high in nitrates. what are 3 ways you could manage this stand in order to possibly safely feed it to your cows?

- dilute with low nitrate forages
- ensiling will reduce nitrate level by about 50%
- raising cutter bar 6"; highest concentration stem left in field

nitrate levels will decrease in time in baled hay


prussic acid levels will decrease in time in baled hay


what is one of the first things you should do if you suspect your herd was exposed to a feed poisoning?

test your feed

ionophore (Rumensin) toxicities many times present clinically very similar to what disease?


the largest effect BVD has on the cow-calf operation concerns what?

reproduction, abortion

explain the difference between PI (persistently infected) and TI (transiently infected) BVD animals


a PI female will always give birth to a PI calf


most of the PI calves produced each year are born from PI dams


BVD can be transferred through?


you test a newborn calf for BVD and it is negative, what does this immediately tell you about the dam?

that the dam is also negative

one of the best ways to prevent PI calves from being produced is by vaccinating the dam when?

30-45 days prior to breeding

what 2 things should you do, if bringing in pregnant replacements, to reduce BVD risks?


to help control anaplasmosis you are going to feed free choice mineral containing CTC to your herd during the pasture season. you have a great purina mineral that does not contain CTC, so you are thinking about adding some CTC to the mineral. why or why w

CTC require a VFD & without one you cannot feed CTC to animals

using feed grade antibiotics for pink-eye control requires a VFD


anaplasmosis bacteria attack what type of cells?

red blood cells

BLV (bovine leukosis virus) attacks what type of cells?

white blood cells

way(s) anaplasmosis can be spread include:


risk factor(s) for cancer eye (squamous cell carcinoma) include?

white/no pigmentation around the eye

way(s) BLV can be spread include:


the first thing to do if a pink-eye outbreak occurs is?

investigate the management/environment

for pink-eye to occur what must FIRST happen?

cornea needs to be damaged

which of the following requires a VFD for use?

antibiotics placed in feed

clinical signs of anaplasmosis include:


clinical signs of BLV typically occur in what animal?

older (usually over 4)

sending a clinical cancer eye cow through the salebarn or to slaughter is good management practice


what fly is associated with pink-eye?

face fly

the #1 reason bovines are condemned after death in slaughter plants is

cancer eye

animals that recover from anaplasmosis will, if re-infected

not show clinical signs

clinical signs of BLV include


at what age can animals become infected with anaplasmosis?

all ages

a female bovine is having difficulty rising (she is trying to get up like an equine). of the health issues we have talked about might help explain this?


a good way(s) to control BLV in a herd with a HIGH prevalence of the disease might be


you have a 8 year old cow in your herd and she suddenly has one eye that protrudes out of the eye socket more than the other eye, and the protruding eye looks normal. what is at the top of the list of issues she may be experiencing?


what fly is associated with anaplasmosis?

horse fly

typically anaplasmosis clinical signs will be observed in

adult animals

the transfer of BLV occur primarily through?


some risk factors for pinkeye include


when might "test and slaughter" be an appropriate disease control measure (for any disease)?

when prevalence is low

if using a patch with pinkeye treatment, what is something one must do?

assess healing in 3-4 days

once an animal becomes infected with anaplasmosis it will

be a lifelong carrier

there are effective treatments for BLV


what insects are believed to transfer BLV animal to animal?

horse flies

not all antibiotics fall under the VFD rule. what 2 things do all antibiotics that do fall under this rule have in common?


most of the internal parasites in a herd are found in?


pass-through fly control products are effective against what flies?

face flies and horse flies

clinical signs of internal parasitism are?


if banding larger bulls, what 3 things must you assure happen?


bovines typically develop immunity to internal parasites when about how old?

- 1 year

explain how to complete a fecal egg count reduction test

- take fecal samples from 10 animals of herd at treatment (grab random ground samples out of pasture/lot)
- send to certified lab for fecal egg count to be completed
- repeat in 14 days

explain the concept "Refugia

slowing resistance to dewormers

a good common deworming timing schedule is

deworming cows when going to pasture and both cows and calves at weaning

clinical signs of johne's include

chronic diarrhea

when banding newborn male calves, what must you make sure happens?

both testicles are below the band

most dewormers are effective for how many days?

14-28 days

to be effective an internal parasite program should show what percentage of egg reduction when using fecal egg count reduction test?


some of the reasons resistance to Avermectin dewormers might have occurred is


infection with johne's disease is most likely to occur when?

birth - 6 mos.

2 examples of biting flies are

horn & horse

if you observe chronic diarrhea in one of your adult cows or bulls, the disease that should immediately come to mind is


where do horn and face flies lay their eggs

fresh manure

in a cow-calf operation, the most likely way calves become infected with johne's is through

calf exposure to adult manure

the economic threshold for horn flies is reported to be

200 flies

laryacides and insect growth regulator pass through products are effective against which flies?

horn flies

list 3 ways johne's (MAP) organisms can be transferred


what must you do if using insecticide impregnated ear tags?


if blood is not observed in the manure of weaned calves, coccidia is not the issue


the average age when animals show clinical signs of johne's is?

5 years of age

what is the only way coccidia organisms can be transferred to another animal?


a good ear tag rotation is


injectable avermectin products are effective against what type of lice?

sucking lice

the major loses to lice are


herd lice problems are typically observed

december - march

which product is very effective for coccidia TREATMENT and does NOT need a VFD?
