El dia de San Valent�n

c�ntame una canci�n

sing me a song

escr�beme una carta

write me a letter

escr�beme un poema

write me a poem

c�mprame flores

buy me flowers



toma mi mano

take my hand

te espero

I will wait for you

te amo

I love you

dame un abrazo

give me a hug

eres lo que yo m�s quiero

you are what I love the most

�Qu� ser� de m� si no te tengo?

What will become of me if I don't have you? What will become of me without you?

si no est�s conmigo...me quedo vac�o

if you are not with me...I stay empty

dame la mano

give me your hand

me enamor� de ti

I fell in love with you


kiss me

te quiero

I love you


call me



�Ay! cuanto te amo

Oh! How much I love you!

dame un beso

give me a kiss

mi amor

my love

no me toques

don't touch me



sal de aqu�

get out of here

d�jame en paz

leave me alone

no te quiero

I don't like/love you

no me llames

don't call me

no me interesas

you don't interest me

no me gustas

you are not pleasing to me

somos novios

we are sweethearts

el verdadero amor perdona

true love forgives

al�jate de m�

distance yourself from me

me gustas tanto

you are pleasing to me alot

no me digas que no

don't tell me know





mi ni�a bonita

my pretty little girl

a Dios le pido

I ask God

se me va la voz

my voice leaves me

lo mejor de mi vida eres t�

the most important thing in my life is you

le agradezco todo lo que ha hecho para m�

i appreciate everything that you have done for me

usted es la persona m�s importante en mi vida

you are the most important person in my life

Gracias por sus sacrificios

Thank you for your sacrifices

no sabe lo importante que usted es para m�

you do not know how important you are for me

gracias por todo

thanks for everything

que Dios siempre la (lo) bendiga

that God bless you always

un beso y un fuerte abrazo

a kiss and a strong hug

mi papacito

my little dad

mi mamacita

my little mom

perd�neme los problemas y dolores que les he causado

forgive the problems and the pains that I have caused you