TENER (Present tense conjugations)

Yo Tengo

I have

T� tienes

You have

�l tiene

he has

ella tiene

she has

usted tiene

you (formal) has

Nosotros tenemos

we have

ellos tienen

they (male/mixed) have

ellas tienen

they (female) have

ustedes tienen

you (formal) have

Jos� tiene catorce a�os.

Jos� is 14 years old.

Gabriella tiene dos gatos.

Gabriella has two cats.

Anthony tiene dos perros.

Anthony has two dogs.

Emilena tiene dos hermanas.

Emilena has two sisters.

�Cu�ntos a�os tienes?

How old are you?

�Cu�ntos hermanos tienes?

How many siblings (brothers and sisters) do you have?

�Cu�ntos a�os tiene tu primo?

How old is your cousin?

�Cu�ntas primas tienes?

How old is your (famale) cousin?

Tengo catorce a�os

I'm fourteen years old