Forms of Energy

Mechanical Energy

a form of energy associated with the motion and position of everyday objects (can be potential or kinetic energy)

Electrical Energy

the energy of moving electrons (can be potential or kinetic energy)

Electromagnetic Energy

a form of energy that travels through space in the form of waves (KE)

Chemical Energy

energy stored in the bonds between atoms (PE)


energy of the internal vibration of atoms (KE)

Nuclear Energy

Energy Stored inside atoms (PE)


Ability to do work (unit is the joule)


force applied to an object causing it to move (= force x distance)


energy source replenished in a human lifetime.


energy source not replenished in a human lifetime

Potential Energy

type of energy an stored in its position

Kinetic Energy

Type of energy an object has because of its motion

Law of Conservation of Energy

Energy can't be created or destroyed it can only change form.

Energy Transformation

A change from one form of energy to another