FOSS Electromagnetic Force Course


to pull toward each other


a source of stored chemical energy


a pathway for the flow of electricity

closed circuit

a complete circuit through which electricity flows


an instrument that uses a free-rotating magnetic needle to show direction

complete circuit

a circuit with all the necessary connections for electricity to flow


one item in a circuit


a material capable of transmitting energy, particularly in the forms of heat and electricity

energy transfer

the movement of energy from one location to another


the material in a lightbulb (usually a thin wire) that makes light when heated by an electric current


A push or a pull

gravitational field

an invisible area of gravitational influence around a mass

gravitational force

an attractive force between objects, like between Earth and objects on Earth


the natural attraction between masses. On Earth, all objects are pulled toward the center of Earth.

incandescent lightbulb

a device that gives off light and heat when electric current runs through a filament

incomplete circuit (open circuit)

a circuit that has a break in it

induced magnetism

the influence of a magnetic field on a piece of iron, which makes the iron a temporary magnet


a material that prevents the flow of electricity, commonly plastic, rubber, glass, or air

kinetic energy

energy of movement


a device that produces light, either by electricity or burning oil, gas, or wax


an object that responds to magnetic force

magnetic field

An area of magnetic influence around a magnet


a property of certain kinds of materials that causes them to attract iron or steel

open circuit

an incomplete circuit through which electricity will not flow

permanent magnet

an object that sticks to iron


the end of a magnet

potential energy

energy that matter has because of its position


to push away from each other

temporary magnet

a piece of iron that behaves like a magnet only when it is under the influence of an external magnetic field