Ch 4 Ecology- Zolan Jackson (30)

Abiotic Factor

physical, or nonliving, factor that shapes an ecosystem

Biotic Factor

the living components of an ecosystem

Biological Community

a group of interacting populations living in the same area at the same time


a large group of ecosystems that share a similar climate


Consists of all life on Earth and all parts of the Earth in which life exists, including land, water, and the atmosphere.


a relationship in which one organism benefits while the other is neither helped nor harmed


the scientific study of interactions taking place within an ecosystem


a group of biological communities in addition to the non living factors within the environment


the area where an organism lives


a relationship in which two or more organisms live in close association with one another and they both benefit from this interaction


the specific role an organism assumes in it's environment


a symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits at the expense of the other


a group of members of the same biological species, that live in the same place at the same time


the relationship between predator and prey, often described as the act of one organism consuming the other for food


the relationship that exists between two or more species living in close association to one another


an organism that collects energy from the sun, or inorganic substances, and converts it to chemical energy stored usually in the form of sugars or starches


the total mass of living matter at each trophic level of the energy pyramid


organism that obtains energy by eating animals


a scavenger, such as an earthworm, that feeds on dead plant and animal matter

Food Chain

a linear model that works to show energy flow through an ecosystem by showing what is eaten by what

Food Web

network of complex interactions formed by the feeding relationships among the various organisms in an ecosystem


a heterotroph that eats only plants


an organism that must get it's energy requirements by consuming other organisms


an organism that consumes both plant and animal matter

Trophic Level

each step in a food chain or food web, and can be described as another term for "energy level

Biogeochemical Cycle

exchange of matter through the biosphere involving living organisms, chemical processes, and geological processes


process in which fixed nitrogen compounds are converted back into nitrogen gas and returned to the atmosphere


Anything that has mass and takes up space

Nitrogen Fixation

the process of capture and conversion of nitrogen onto a form usable by plants


Compounds in food that the body requires for proper growth, maintenance, and functioning