Everything EOG Science


ability to make things move or change

Thermal energy

the energy of moving particles

Mechanical Energy

energy of motion

Electrical energy

the energy of moving electrical charges

Chemical energy

energy stored in the bonds that hold atoms together in molecules

Electromagnetic energy

energy that travels as waves

Nuclear energy

energy stored in the nucleus of an atom

Fossil fuel

an energy resource that forms over millions of years from the decayed remains of ancient plants and animals


solid fossil fuel


Liquid fossil fuel

Natural gas

gas fossil fuel


the release of unwanted materials into the environment

Solar energy

energy from the sun

Photovoltaic cell

solar cell, changes light energy into electricity

solar reflector

reflects and focuses sunlight onto a fluid-filled pipe, the pipe becomes heated and the thermal energy is used to turn water into steam

Wind energy

energy of moving air


energy of moving water


any material from living things that can be used as an energy source

Geothermal energy

heat energy from inside the earth


careful use and management of resources


A rotary engine that extracts energy from turning blades.


A machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy