UL ENVS Practice Exam 2

What are the primary plant parts that control excess water loss?


Phyllotaxy in which three or more leaves are attached in a circular pattern around each node is referred to as


The ____________ is a lateral meristem in stems that results in growth in diameter

vascular cambium

The __________________ leaf arrangement has one leaf attached per node staggered along the stem.


Tendrils are modified ___________, that have a ______________ function.

leaves, support

The distance between two terminal buds scars is considered to be a measure of

annual growth

Stomata are openings in the epidermis surrounded by two _________ cells.


The bottom part of a graft is called the ___________.


Which of the following steps is generally NOT followed when making cuttings?

Foliage may be used to help prop up the cutting in the media

To make the canopy of a shrub less dense, ________________ should be used.

thinning out

What is an asexual propagation technique were small pieces of tissue are placed in a sterile culture containing all the nutrients, carbohydrates and hormones needed for growth.

tissue culture

Which of the following is TRUE about grafting?

Grafting vegetables is becoming popular

If one piles soil around the base of a shrub to induce roots to form at the base of the limbs, this would be called _________ layering.


Alcoholic fermentation occurs only when ______________________.

oxygen is absent

Plants that use the C4 photosynthetic pathway open their stomata _________.

during the day

The light independent reaction (Calvin cycle) of photosynthesis occurs only when ____________.

the light reaction occurs

Chlorophyll a mainly absorbs ___________ ___________ light.

blue and red

The glycolysis reaction of respiration occurs in the ___________________


In the Carbon Cycle, _______ stored in the atmosphere is converted to ________ by photosynthesis which is then converted to _______ by respiration and released back into the atmosphere.

CO2, carbohydrates, CO2

The light reaction converts light energy into ____________ which provide chemical energy


Which type of tissue is referred to as loosely organized allowing for air exchange within the leaf?

spongy mesophyll

Which of the following is the function of lenticels?

gasseous exchange

The bracts that draw attention to the flowers in some plants are modified ___________, that have _________________as a function.

leaves, attraction

Which of these is NOT a root function?


A symbiotic relationship when one organism benefits and the other is not harmed is referred to as


A symbiotic relationship when both organism benefits and neither are harmed or affected is referred to as


Maple leaves have ______________ venation, which is a finger-like net venation with several major veins originating from the connection of the petiole and the leaf blade.


When a horticulturist makes a cut in the stem for layering, they are trying to selectively cut the ______________ so translocation is disrupted.


Wide crotch angles are better than narrow crotch angles because of

bark inclusion

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of rooting media?

Supplies carbon dioxide to the roots

What is NOT an objective or advantage of pruning

decrease productivity

Which of the following IS ALWAYS TRUE when making a cutting from an actively growing plant?

Plant cutting are best when turgid

To propagate plants vegetatively the part must regenerate______________.

missing parts

Chemical energy is transferred through redox reactions where the oxidized chemical __________ electron(s), and the __________________chemical ______________ electron(s).

loses, reduced, gains

The color of an object is determined by the wavelength of light that is ____________.


_________________ is the input for the glycolysis system in respiration



all are correct

Corn plants use C4 photosynthesis and open their stomata during the _________ so that ______________ can be fixed into 4C acids.

day, carbon dioxide

Respiration is a _______________________________process

catabolic and exergonic

Which of the following contains the greatest amount of stored carbon on earth?


A sugar beet is a modified ____________ that has the following two functions _____________ and ______________.

root, storage and propagation

In the root, the Casparian strip occurs in the cell walls of the ____________ cells?


Monocot leaves are similar to eudicot leaves in cross section, except that the photosynthetic tissue consists of ___________________.


Carnivorous plants exhibit leaf modifications allowing them to obtain part of their nutrition from insects. Which of the following is NOT a method of trapping food used by this type of plant?


When the stem of a plant is flat and capable of functioning like a leaf, it is called?


Which of the following is NOT a function of a leaf?

absorption of water and minerals

____________________ is the flattened, green, expanded portion of a leaf.


Two disadvantages of asexual or vegetative propagation are: _____________________________ and ______________________________________.

few offspring from each parent and requires a lot of labor

Which of the following does NOT impact graft compatibility?

All impact graft compatibility

Plants that are ________________________ can sometimes be successfully grafted.

closely genetically related

Very drastic pruning is called ___________ and should be avoided at all times.


Which of the following is used to help initiate rooting in a woody plant cutting?

All assist with root formation

If John Q. Public discovers a very unique looking holly shrub and propagates it by cuttings to produce thousands of young plants, then that population or group of plants would be a good example of _________________.

a clone

The ______________ reaction is the process of building complex molecules, this process often requires energy input and thus is ________________________

anabolic, endergonic

_______ photosynthesis is used by plants from arid or semi-arid environments that open their stomates at night.


_______ are individual, sack-like membranes that comprise the grana inside chloroplast and contain the chlorophyll necessary for photosynthesis.


The Calvin cycle occurs in the _______ of the chloroplast and uses ATP to generate _______ .

stroma, glucose

The light compensation point is reached when:

CO2 release is the same as CO2 uptake

The input for the Calvin cycle is ________________________.


The net result of photosynthesis is that _______ energy is converted to _______ energy.

radiant, chemical

The root hairs are extensions of the ___________________ cells.


_______________is the part of a dicot leaf that is specialized for gas exchange within the leaf.

spongy mesophyll

The increase in length of a root is the result of which of the following?

both a and b

When the vascular cylinder of the root contains pith, the plant is considered a?


The outer layer of a root is called the ________________.


Which of the following is a layer of waterproof tissue which prevents the movement of water to and from the vascular cylinder?

Casparian strip

Which of the following is NOT a common response to cold temperatures?

no correct answer

To make the canopy of a tree more dense, ________________ should be used.

heading back

If a horticulturist puts soil around a node to stimulate root formation, this would be called _________ layering.


To properly prune a large limb on a tree, with wide crotch angles, the first cut is made

on the bottom of the limb about 6 inches out

The top part of a graft is called the ___________.


Which of the following is NOT a reason to use asexual propagation?

Allows production of cuttings each with unique characteristics

The concept that every cell in a plant has the potential to reproduce the entire plant.


Oxygen is a by-product of photosynthesis, and is produced by the _______________.

light reaction


produces ethanol or lactate and ATP from glucose

Two plants that use the C3 photosynthetic pathway are:

wheat and potatoes

Cacti use CAM photosynthesis and open their stomata during the _________ so that ______________ can be fixed into 4C acids.

night, carbon dioxide

The ambient level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is __________ compared to the level needed to saturate photosynthesis.


Respiration occurs in:

all organisms

Which type of root system generally maximizes water utilization from resources closer to the soil surface?


A bulb with fleshy leaves forming layers of concentric circles around a stem is known as what type of specialized structure?

laminate bulb

Monocot leaves have which of the following venation patterns?


A sharp modified stem or branch located at the tip of a branch or at a node is referred to as a


The leaf complexity in which leaflets attach to a central petiole like your fingers attach to your palm is called?

palmately compound

Which of the following is TRUE about asexual reproduction?

younger plants have a higher nitrogen level and lower carbon level

A __________________ is a rough area on some stems that serves as a "breathing pore" for gas exchange.


Two advantages of asexual or vegetative propagation are: _____________________________ ______________________________________.

all offspring are true-to-type and the time to flowering is reduced

Which of the following defines apomixis?

Seed produced from maternal tissue without fertilization

Which of the following is NOT a disadvantage of asexual reproduction?

requires more water

__________________is a chemical pinching agent that overcomes apical dominance.


Respiration converts __________________ into carbon dioxide and water and releases energy

carbohydrates and oxygen

Oxidative phosphorylation:

all are correct

The two primary energy carrying molecules used in living organisms are:


During photosynthesis carbon dioxide and water, in the presence of _______ and _______, produce simple sugar and oxygen.

sunlight and chlorophyll


all are correct

_______ is the final product produced in photosynthesis.
