Energy quiz


is the ability to do work (or cause change)

kinetic energy

anything in motion has this energy

potential energy

stored energy as a result of something's position or the arrangement of parts.

energy chains

diagrams that help to visualize the transformation of energy from one form to another. the energy source and the energy receiver are named.

the law of conservation of energy

states that energy may change form but cannot be created or destroyed under ordinary conditions. energy lost to the system as thermal energy at each conversion. however, the total amount of energy in the system stays the same throughout any conversion.

nuclear fission

process by which a large nucleus splits into two small nuclei and energy is released.

nuclear fusion

process by which two or more nuclei that have small masses combine to form a larger nucleus and energy is released

electrical energy

the movement of electric charges (electrons). circuits, static electricity, and lightning are all forms. it is a form of kinetic energy.

radiant energy

the electromagnetic energy that travels in transverse waves. all forms of energy on the electromagnetic spectrum are (ex. gamma rays ultra violet, visible light) considered kinetic energy.

thermal energy

the total energy associated with the movement of all atoms/molecules in a substance. considered to be a form of kinetic energy.

chemical energy

the energy that is stored in the bonds of a molecule. it is a form of potential energy.

mechanical energy

can be classified as either kinetic or potential. an object in motion such as a bird flying is kinetic. an object raised above the earths surface is potential.

nuclear energy

be classified as either kinetic or potential. when an atom is split (fission) or atoms are fused together (fusion) energy is released, creating kinetic. the energy that holds atoms together are classified as potential.


is the ability to do work (or cause change)

kinetic energy

anything in motion has this energy

potential energy

stored energy as a result of something's position or the arrangement of parts.

energy chains

diagrams that help to visualize the transformation of energy from one form to another. the energy source and the energy receiver are named.

the law of conservation of energy

states that energy may change form but cannot be created or destroyed under ordinary conditions. energy lost to the system as thermal energy at each conversion. however, the total amount of energy in the system stays the same throughout any conversion.

nuclear fission

process by which a large nucleus splits into two small nuclei and energy is released.

nuclear fusion

process by which two or more nuclei that have small masses combine to form a larger nucleus and energy is released

electrical energy

the movement of electric charges (electrons). circuits, static electricity, and lightning are all forms. it is a form of kinetic energy.

radiant energy

the electromagnetic energy that travels in transverse waves. all forms of energy on the electromagnetic spectrum are (ex. gamma rays ultra violet, visible light) considered kinetic energy.

thermal energy

the total energy associated with the movement of all atoms/molecules in a substance. considered to be a form of kinetic energy.

chemical energy

the energy that is stored in the bonds of a molecule. it is a form of potential energy.

mechanical energy

can be classified as either kinetic or potential. an object in motion such as a bird flying is kinetic. an object raised above the earths surface is potential.

nuclear energy

be classified as either kinetic or potential. when an atom is split (fission) or atoms are fused together (fusion) energy is released, creating kinetic. the energy that holds atoms together are classified as potential.